Unwrapping the Christmas Story with Martyn Lloyd-Jones

A Martyn Lloyd-Jones Christmas Message on the True Meaning of Christmas for 2023
It’s easy in a holiday so rooted in tradition to feel like you’ve heard it all before. The Christmas story… The birth of Jesus… The true meaning of Christmas… Even a lifelong believer can grow so familiar they become numb to the earth shattering, historical truth that the Son of God walked the earth and died for our sins. And yet, that’s exactly what happened.
Beyond the gifts and festivities, beyond even the Nativity scenes and the retelling of the Christmas story, renowned Welsh evangelical preacher, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, unwraps the true meaning of Christmas in one Christmas sermon that remains timely and relevant, even in 2023.
The Christmas Story Isn’t a Mere Story
In his Christmas sermon "The Facts of Christmas," Lloyd-Jones emphasizes the importance of the historical facts of the incarnation of Jesus Christ. He argues that the Christmas message is often undermined by modern culture, which tends to focus on the sentimental and commercial aspects of the holiday. As Lloyd-Jones says: "The Christmas message is not a fairy tale or a myth. It is a historical event that took place in time and space. It is the story of the Son of God becoming man, being born in a manger in Bethlehem, and living among us for thirty-three years."
The Facts of Christmas Should Change Us
He goes on to say that the incarnation is the central event in human history, and that it has profound implications for our understanding of God, ourselves, and the world around us. "The incarnation means that God is not distant and aloof, but that He is close to us and involved in our lives. It means that He loves us so much that He was willing to become one of us, to suffer and die for our sins. And it means that He has given us the hope of eternal life."
Lloyd-Jones's Christmas message is a reminder that the true meaning of Christmas is not found in the gifts we give or receive, or in the festive decorations and celebrations. It’s not even found in our Nativity Scenes or the Christmas story of a baby in a manger. It is found in the person of Jesus Christ, who came to earth to save us from our sins and to give us eternal life.
Why Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's Christmas Message Matters
Dr. Lloyd-Jones's Christmas message is important for several reasons. Namely, because it reminds us of these three crucial Christmas message points.
1) It’s About the Gospel
First, it is a reminder that the true meaning of Christmas is not found in the material things of the world or even in our nostalgic, almost mythological retelling of the birth of Christ. Rather, it is found in the Good News that Jesus Christ, both fully God and fully human, came to earth to save us from our sins and offer us eternal life with Him.
2) It’s a True, Historical Event
Second, Dr. Lloyd-Jones's message is a reminder that the Christmas story is not just a fairytale or a myth. It is a historical event that took place in time and space. This is important because it means that the Christmas message is credible and believable, just as the existence of God and His love for us is.
3) It’s Supposed to Impact Us
Third, Dr. Lloyd-Jones's message is a reminder that the incarnation of Jesus Christ has profound implications for our lives. It means that God is close to us and involved in our lives. It means that He loves us so much that He was willing to become one of us, only to suffer and die for our sins. And it means that by doing so He has given us the hope of eternal life through Him, with Him, and for Him.
How to Apply Martyn Lloyd-Jones's Christmas Message to Your Life
There are several ways that you can apply Lloyd-Jones's Christmas message to your life:
Focus on Jesus Christ.
The true meaning of Christmas is found in the person of Jesus Christ. Make sure that He is the center of your Christmas celebrations and traditions.
Share the Christmas message with others.
The Christmas message is the greatest news in the world. Share it with your friends, family, and neighbors.
Live your life in a way that honors Jesus Christ.
The best way to show your gratitude for the Christmas message is to live your life in a way that honors Jesus Christ. Obey His commands and follow His example.
Click here to listen to Lloyd-Jones's sermon "The Facts of Christmas" in its entirety. Merry Christmas!