3 Biblical Truths and Thanksgiving Messages with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Thanksgiving 2023: Reflecting on Giving Thanks with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
As we approach Thanksgiving 2023, it's a fitting time to delve into the teachings of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and reflect on the essence of giving thanks from a biblical perspective. As a renowned British evangelical minister, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones never celebrated Thanksgiving as it is the United States. With that being said, he did deliver many messages on thanksgiving in a biblical sense throughout his ministry; thanksgiving sermons that are full of profound insight on the importance of expressing gratitude in our lives.
Here are a few biblical truths you can give thanks for this Thanksgiving 2023, along with the thanksgiving sermons that inspired them as delivered by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
1) Gratitude is a Measure of Spiritual Maturity
In his sermon on Ephesians 5:20, “Giving Thanks Always Unto God“, Dr. Lloyd-Jones emphasized that one of the clearest gauges of spiritual maturity is the extent to which our prayers are filled with thanksgiving. He believed that those who truly know God should lead lives marked by continuous, Spirit-filled praise for all that God has accomplished through Jesus Christ. After all, it's through God's gracious love that we come to know Him and partake in the blessings of Christ, and it’s only by being filled with His Spirit that we can fully appreciate that fact enough to give thanks for it. Not by our works, but by His—a mercy to be thankful for!
Even in the face of the most extreme hardships, as Christians, we can still find reasons to be thankful. This sentiment is echoed in Acts when Paul and Silas, despite being imprisoned and beaten, continued to sing praises to God (Acts 16:25). Their unwavering faith stemmed from the belief that God works sovereignly through all situations to fulfill His purpose for His people, and that very night the jailer and his entire household were saved because of it.
2) Thanksgiving Should be Shared and Felt by All
Drawing from Psalm 107:1–31, Dr. Lloyd-Jones described the Christian as one who recognizes their sinfulness and seeks refuge in Christ in this Thanksgiving sermon, “Give Thanks Unto the Lord”. He emphasized that every individual, regardless of their background, shares a common fallen nature and a collective need for redemption through Christ. The peace and salvation offered by Christ can be universally felt and is universally needed—transcending cultural and ethnic boundaries. It's this very gospel that fulfills the deepest needs of humanity; leading them away from sin and brokenness, and into the heavenly Jerusalem, transforming them through the power of His blood.3) The Gospel is the True Thanksgiving Message
In another sermon on Galatians 1:8, “The Gospel; Good News”, Dr. Lloyd-Jones highlighted the gospel as the epitome of Good News worthy of giving thanks for. At its core, the gospel proclaims the sacrifice of God's Son for our sins, not because we’re worthy of it, but because God loves us unconditionally even when we’re undeserving. When truly understood, this message fills the believer's heart with overwhelming gratitude and praise, transforming the gospel message into a thanksgiving message. A Thanksgiving Message for 2023
This Thanksgiving, in the words of Dr. Lloyd-Jones, no matter the trials we face, we can always find reasons to give thanks to the God who loves us, protects us, and has delivered us from sin.