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Revival Sermons


Series Summary

Hear Dr. Lloyd-Jones preach his landmark sermons on revival from 1959, marking the 100th anniversary of the Welsh Revival of 1859. The subject was so urgent to him that he interrupted his series on Ephesians …

Revival Sermons

Isaac's Removal of the Philistine Rubbish

Genesis 26:17-18

In this powerful sermon on revival, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones draws from the story of Isaac re-digging his father Abraham's wells in Genesis 26. He argues that the church today is in desperate need of revival, facing a crisis of faith and vitality. Dr. Lloyd-Jones contends that the solution is not to seek new methods or adapt to modern times, but rather to rediscover the timeless truths and doctrines that have fueled revivals throughout church history. He emphasizes the importance of studying church history to understand how God has worked in the past and to gain wisdom for the present. Dr. Lloyd-Jones identifies several key doctrines that have been obscured or neglected in the modern church, including the sovereignty and active involvement of God, the authority of Scripture, the sinfulness of man, the centrality of Christ, and the person and work of the Holy Spirit. He argues that these foundational truths have been covered over by false teaching and worldly influences, like the Philistines filling in Abraham's wells. The task of the church today, Dr. Lloyd-Jones asserts, is to clear away these obstacles and rediscover the life-giving "water" of biblical truth. He calls believers to return to a robust, supernatural faith that expects God to work powerfully, rather than relying on human effort alone. Dr. Lloyd-Jones concludes with a stirring appeal for the church to humble itself, learn from the past, and earnestly seek God for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit in revival power.

Revival Sermon: The Phenomena of Revival

Acts 2:12-13

Great awakenings by God are often accompanied by great physical and mental phenomena. During revivals, men and women are described as being “struck”—falling to the ground and fainting. Supernatural knowledge about the future is given to ordinary people. What is to be made of these revival testimonies about prophesy and physical phenomena? Should such things as hysteria or brain washing be dismissed? In this sermon on Acts 2:12–13 titled “Revival Sermon: The Phenomena of Revival,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones pushes back against the Western tendency to describe these kinds of things in naturalistic terms. While acknowledging there can be mixture of false phenomena with the true, he cautions Christians not to merely dismiss these physical phenomena based upon a dry intellectualism. Such reasoning could result in Christians quenching the Holy Spirit. Instead, Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds that these kinds of phenomena are always accompanied by a response from bystanders. It is either a response of doubt, amazement, or mockery. This was the experience of the early Christians in Acts 2:12–13 and it has held true throughout the history of revivals as well. The Christian response, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones, must test such things. Nevertheless the whole person can be impacted by a great movement from the sovereign Spirit. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones seeks a balanced approach in this controversial topic.
