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How can sinful people be blessed by a Holy God? How can sinners come before the throne of God and claim God’s blessings as their own? To the natural person, this is impossible. Sinful people do not believe in a grace that can reconcile God and humanity, so they say one has to work to earn God’s favor. In this sermon on Jeremiah 17:5–8 titled “The Christian Life,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the great truth that blessings come by God’s grace. The ways of God and humanity are wholly opposed so that the Christian life stands in stark contrast to the life of the world. The Christian life is a life of favor with God because of God’s grace, while the life of the world is a life of always striving to earn God’s favor through works, but never attaining it. The gospel calls each and every one to repent of their sins and believe in Jesus for salvation. God’s grace is the only hope in this life because all have broken God’s commandment and sinned against Him, but God’s grace is more powerful than sin. The most amazing truth in the world is that God gives grace freely in Jesus Christ, and this is the gospel.
What is the source of suffering and misery in this world? In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:6 titled “A Ruined Mansion,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses this question and more. Humanity is like a ruined mansion, a dark shadow of what it once was. People were made to be a friend of God, but now they live in sin and filth. Humanity has sinned and fallen from the original state of happiness and peace into despair because it has willingly rebelled against God. They are now an enemy of God and subject to the wrath of God. What then is humanity’s hope? It is certainly not in itself. Hundreds of years of human history has only shown that people cannot save themselves. This is why God had to send His own Son into the world to die in the place of sinners. Jesus Christ suffered and died a bloody death on the cross for all. All that trust in Him are saved and made children of God. God’s answer to the plight of humanity is to take their place. This sermon calls all to forsake their sins and flee to Christ. There is no guarantee that anyone will live another hour; for this reason all must come to Christ this day.
In this sermon on the manifestation of sin from Jeremiah 17:11, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses the essential problem with humanity, namely, pride. Humanity is convinced that they are smart enough and can handle their own problems. They can understand their own issues and deal with them. They don’t need God to explain their predicament or give help. Moreover, humankind thinks that it can get away with sin. Why does someone look back and forth before stealing a cookie from a cookie jar? It is because they know it is wrong, and at the same time they think they can get away with it. However, no one will “get away” with sin. God sees every sinful act and covetous heart. Notice, too, that anyone who cheats or steals also measures success by dollars rather than by character. And so not only do they lose out on character and basic morality, but they also lose sight of what is important in life. At the end of the day, a thief trades in morality in order to gain material goods. Meanwhile, Jesus asks, “what good is it if you gain the whole world but lose your soul?”
What is humanity’s problem? What is it about people and the world that accounts for all the ills and trials of human life? The question is present all through human history, yet modern humanity has no answer. In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:14–17 titled “Man, A Slave,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches the biblical truth that each person’s problem is that they have fallen from original righteousness and purity into sin and despair. All are slaves to sin and twisted desires. Scripture tells us that no one is evolving toward a better future, but rather are getting worse. What then is the answer to this seemingly hopeless state? The answer is found in God’s infinite grace given in Jesus Christ. While it is true that humanity can do nothing to help themselves, the gospel is the message that God has acted for humanity. God has sent His Son to die upon the cross as the ultimate price for sin and peace. All who believe in Jesus are freed from sin and made children of God, righteous inheritors of the new heavens and earth. There is no other response to the gospel than to repent of all sins and come to Jesus who calls all to enteral life in His death.
Sin darkens and deceives the mind, leading to all kinds of horrors that are found in this life. It causes distance and estrangement from God. People forget that God is holy, but all of creation proclaims God and His majesty. The heavens declare the glory of God. In this sermon on Jeremiah 17:10 titled “The Judgement of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones describes in wonder that humanity does not constantly live in light of the fact that God sits in the heavens and does whatever He pleases. Meanwhile humankind cannot even understand their own heart, but God discerns the hearts of people. This God who knows the heart and secret sins, as well as secret generosity and quiet prayers, will judge every person. Jesus said that each person would have to give account for every idle word that they speak. This is a sobering reality, namely, that everyone will have to stand before a just God and account for not only their actions, but also their idle words. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also elaborates on repentance and says that not all weeping is a sign of repentance. At times a person who has no intention of giving up their sin will weep because of the consequences of a wicked lifestyle.
What can cause people to fall into unutterable folly? God calls these people to think and consider. Compare and contrast religions—in what does the Christian trust and how do they prepare for eternity? A person’s religion is their working philosophy; the thing they rest upon and to which they give themselves up. In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:26–28 titled “Fake Religion,” Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines the marks of false religion in regards to three questions. Look at the nature and character of the god(s) being worshipped. Take a look at contemporary history and the gods of this present age. Do not test one’s religion when everything is going well, but look at the day when the sun is not shining and there is in trouble. Can that God save? A false religion will always be found out. Find answers for the problem of guilt and death. Learn about what Christ did and those who opposed Him. Christ came to die so that all can live. Comfort will only come through Him. The Christian might be perplexed, but they do not need to despair. Lean on the promises of God and find abundant life. Absolutely nothing can separate the Christian from God. Realize the folly and turn to Him, and enter into His eternal glory.
What do the people of Israel have to teach? Because all things in holy Scripture are for humanity’s benefit, Christians can learn much about the nature of humanity and themselves by looking at the ancient people of God. In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:20–22 titled “A Degenerate Vine,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones tells that according to the Bible, humanity is polluted by sin. Every desire and inclination are brought under the twisted subjugation of their sinful nature. In a fallen state, humans are not able to pursue the good and upright. They are not able to live lives of love and justice. Many try to escape their own sin by looking to works of righteousness. They think that if they try hard enough, they can erase their sin and earn God’s favor, but this is a hopeless task. What then is the hope? The answer is found not in what people can do, but in what God has done. God has sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die upon the cross and to shed His blood so that sinners can be saved. All who believe in Jesus are forgiven of their sins, adopted as children of God, and made truly righteous. There is nothing left for anyone to do but repent of their sin and believe.
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