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In this sermon on John 3:17 titled “Man and His Need of Salvation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches how the Bible not only tells what the gospel is, but it also tells why the gospel is needed. Often times people jump straight to the message of the gospel without looking at why people need the gospel. God’s word is clear on why Jesus had to come and Scripture tells that humankind loves darkness rather than light, and for this reason the whole world already lies under the judgment of God. But the light of the gospel pierces even the darkest cloud because it tells that despite humanity’s sin, rebellion, and evil, God sent His Son into the world. God so loved the world that He came and died in the place of sinners and rose from the dead so that they might have new life. God has overcome the power of sin and the devil so that all who believe in Jesus are not only restored to their original state of righteousness, but they are made even higher. This sermon calls all to believe in Jesus, repent of sins, and trust Him in order to become children of God, pure and holy. This gospel is truly good news.
What separates Christians from the rest of the world? How can one know for sure someone else is truly saved? Scripture gives many tests of salvation, but few are as vivid as the portrait painted in this passage. In this sermon on Psalm 1:3–4 titled “The Ungodly Man,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the vast difference between those who are rooted by the river of life and those who will blow away like chaff. Dr. Lloyd-Jones presents five differences between the godly and the ungodly person. These differences are profound and have eternal consequences. Due to sin, people are no longer as God originally created them to be, but instead they are empty and in desperate need of salvation. Listen and discover why unhappiness characterizes the ungodly person and understand the only remedy is found in Jesus Christ.
We often hear the phrase “child of God” and consider it another term for simply being a Christian, but what is the true meaning of this phrase, and how do we become one? In Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ sermon on 1 Peter 1:1-25, he discusses how being a child of God becoming a slave to Christ rather than sin. We are all born originally as sinners and cannot escape this bondage on our own. The only way to escape this slavery to sin is to become a “child of God”. But how can we do such a thing? Dr. Lloyd-Jones states that to accomplish this task, we must first be redeemed. We must realize our wretched state, and ask for forgiveness. Only after we do this, can our sins be reconciled by Christs sacrifice on the cross. However, being redeemed is only the first step to becoming a child of God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones states that we must accept Christ as our new master, because he bought us. We are not made free by Christ, but we are made free from the power of sin. As Dr. Lloyd-Jones puts it, “We are bought by the precious blood of Christ.” Jesus is our new master, but instead of us being his slaves, we become more like his children. God is righteous and just, and he cares for us. He cared for us so much that “He sent his one and only son” to save us from our sinful state (John 3:16). Dr. Lloyd-Jones concludes his sermon by saying, “If Christ died to set us free, then we are his. Take up your cross and follow Christ.”
What is the source of suffering and misery in this world? In this sermon on Jeremiah 2:6 titled “A Ruined Mansion,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses this question and more. Humanity is like a ruined mansion, a dark shadow of what it once was. People were made to be a friend of God, but now they live in sin and filth. Humanity has sinned and fallen from the original state of happiness and peace into despair because it has willingly rebelled against God. They are now an enemy of God and subject to the wrath of God. What then is humanity’s hope? It is certainly not in itself. Hundreds of years of human history has only shown that people cannot save themselves. This is why God had to send His own Son into the world to die in the place of sinners. Jesus Christ suffered and died a bloody death on the cross for all. All that trust in Him are saved and made children of God. God’s answer to the plight of humanity is to take their place. This sermon calls all to forsake their sins and flee to Christ. There is no guarantee that anyone will live another hour; for this reason all must come to Christ this day.
In this sermon on Ephesians 2:14–16 titled “He is Our Peace,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that the main purpose of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is to encourage the church in the peace of Christ. Christians have been saved and are in the body of Christ and as such, they have been redeemed and the war with God is over. They now have the peace of Christ that governs them. Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that the realization that Christ is the peace of believers is one of the most significant and meaningful encouragements to the soul. Only when people understand the true nature of sin do they understand the true nature of salvation. Additionally, Dr. Lloyd-Jones addresses some who would discount the first few chapters of Genesis. Dr. Lloyd-Jones stresses that without the beginning of the Bible, people will not understand why the world is as corrupt as it is, nor will they witness the roots of the gospel. Without understanding the sin that originates in Genesis, people will be confused about the lack of peace in the world. Unbelievers will never have peace with each other unless they have peace with God in salvation. Thankfully Jesus made a way to have peace with God through His death on the cross. Through Christ, all can have lasting peace.
On one hand, people fail to realize the depth of sin. On the other hand, they fail to see the height and glory of the gospel. The problem with the church today is that it fails at both of these points. In this sermon on Ephesians 2:4–7 titled “Risen with Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones declares what makes one a Christian: their union with Christ. In this union, the Christian has been raised together with the Lord Jesus Christ. Rejoicing in the heights of one’s own resurrection makes sense only when the believer understands their original state of death. By nature they were children of wrath. Jesus died for them and their old nature died with Him. In dying with Him they are also raised with Him. Starting at this point of human depravity, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explores the goodness of union with Christ. Christians, he declares, are dead to the law and no longer under the curse of sin. Christians are alive unto God. The new person thinks in terms of eternity. They care not only for their body but also for their soul. They seek to share Christ with the lost and want to please God. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones asks, “Have you been raised together with Christ? Do you know God?” Rejoice as one risen with Christ.
What is the future of the Christian? In this sermon on Romans 13:11–14 titled “The Christian’s Future,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches about what is awaiting the Christian. All over Scripture, the answer is clear— Christians are waiting for the coming day of the Lord. Contrary to what some people say, Scripture tells that this coming is a visible and physical coming of the Lord. At this time Jesus will be coming to complete His work. After passing judgment, He will set up His eternal kingdom. What are the consequences of this? First, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that time will be no more. One of the main effects this will have is on the condition of the world. It will undo the results of the fall. All things will be restored to their original, perfect condition that existed before humanity sinned. Additionally, there will be a judgment and for believers, a judgment about rewards— the righteous are promised in Scripture that they will receive rewards corresponding to their acts on earth. Judgment for the wicked involves both the body and the spirit. However, the righteous are promised eternal life in the presence of the Lord. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones helps the reader grasp the vision for what the future holds if one has repented and believed in Jesus for forgiveness from their sins and is a child of God.
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