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God will punish sin. Sin never escapes His notice and He will pour out His wrath on it. In this sermon titled “Their Foolish Heart was Darkened,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd- Jones furthers the study of God’s wrath in this sermon on Romans 1:18–20 and shows the inexcusability of sin. Dr. Lloyd-Jones warns that humanity cannot plead ignorance since God put in the heart a universal knowledge of right and wrong, His existence, and His holy standard. In what ways has this knowledge been revealed? It is in both general and special revelation. In great detail, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains what these two types of revelation look like and how unbelievers suppress the truth and fight against it. The fundamental cause of rebellion is pride and overall wickedness. Atheists claim there is no God, but are only denying what He put both in their hearts and in all of creation. The next step after pride is for the Lord to lead hearts out of darkness. The Bible says that without Christ, there is darkness, but because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, there is now light with the Lord.
How can one know God? This is one of the most important questions to ask. Some say that people must look to themselves and others say that human reason will reveal God. But in this sermon from John 4:13–14 titled “True Christian Joy,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones argues that these are wrong. The only sure way to know God is through revelation. God through His Holy Spirit not only reveals His words to His apostles and prophets, but He inspires their very writings of this revelation. This has immense significance for all Christians because by this they have assurance of who God is and what He has done. They are not left without a word from God. By looking to God’s word, one can know that they have been forgiven and made children of God. This ensures the true joy that comes from knowing Christ. All false religions tell to look to the self for happiness and peace, but it is only Christianity that shows that peace comes from outside the self. This should encourage all those suffering from depression and sorrow because it tells that God is the true source of peace and not the self; one must simply look to God.
Over the course of civilization, humankind has diagnosed its problems many different ways. Some generations have determined that poverty is the great motivator of crime. In other generations, ignorance was the culprit. The world has, therefore, gone from one false hope to another. At one time it says “education will be our savior” and at other times “riches will free us from crime.” What these nearsighted solutions cannot comprehend is that humankind’s main problem is an ignorance of God. In this sermon on John 8:12 titled “The Only Light,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones elaborates and says that the main problem is a lack of knowledge of God, regardless of whether one is a prostitute or a philosopher. From here he shows his audience how Jesus the Messiah is the ultimate revelation of God to humankind. It is for this reason, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains, that Jesus is called the light of the world. He shines true knowledge of God on the world, which cannot know God apart from God’s revelation. Jesus had compassion on the crowds and on the lost. Similarly, the Christian should likewise have this burden for unbelievers: that they are sheep without a shepherd, that without hearing the gospel of Christ they will have no saving-knowledge of God.
“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.” Here are some of the most glorious words written and found in the Bible. Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones displays the truth behind this marvelous declaration. In this sermon on Revelation 5:9–10 and 12, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that the Lamb (Christ) is to receive the same glory as the Father. This begs the question: why is the Lamb worthy to receive this glory? First, Dr. Lloyd-Jones presents Christ as the Lord of redemption. The work of redemption is His alone. Jesus is the one worthy of opening the book of redemption; only He is able to redeem, and He needs no help. Therefore, the glory belongs to Him. Secondly, Christ is worthy because of the work of redemption. The plan for redemption centered around the cross, nails, agony, and suffering. Jesus submits to the Father’s will. The work of redemption displays the highest point of His obedience, and the lowest point of His humiliation. Yet His death purchased the glory which is to come. The death of Jesus purchased for His people the right to become children of God, forgiveness of sins, rebirth, righteousness, and ultimate glorification. Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones declares that Christians have nothing to fear, because the Lamb will triumph. Worthy is Lamb!
What is the only hope for this world? Humankind puts its hope in all kinds of different things, from politicians to wise people. The world is always looking for a cure to its many ills. However, try as it may, the world has never found an answer to its many problems over the hundreds of years it has searched. Why is this? In this sermon on Revelation 21:5 titled “A False Hope,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that the answer is really quite simple: the world does not know God. For this reason, it always looks to the wrong places for hope. The world looks to itself, but this is vain and hopeless because only God can take this broken world and make it right. He is doing just this in His Son, Jesus Christ. By dying on the cross Jesus has vanquished not only sin and death, but He has destroyed Satan and broken his hold on this world. Jesus will return and put all things under His feet, He will make all things new and finally vanquish sin and evil once and for all. In the new heaven and earth, creation will be remade and freed from all pollution. All those who believe in Jesus will be made partakers of this new creation by grace and faith in Christ Jesus.
There is only one gospel. According to Paul in his letter to the Ephesians, other gospels are lies. In a day of misinformation, counterfeits, and charlatans, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones brings a voice of Biblical discernment. In this sermon on Ephesians 6:14 titled “The Truth of God,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones demonstrates how Paul's authority to declare these truths came from the Lord Jesus Himself. Paul neither received or learned it by human teaching, but from God. John, Peter, and the other apostles wrote in an equally authoritative manner. They were men to whom the mystery of the gospel was directly and personally revealed by the Lord Himself. The canon of the New Testament is the revealed truth of God. The apostolic teachings are not men trying to understand life and reality — that is philosophy. Rather, these men told with confidence God’s revealed truth. All that is necessary to life and wellbeing, for death, and after is found within God’s truth. The fundamental position of the Bible is that humanity cannot attain knowledge of God apart from the revelation and work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus affirmed there is no way to know the truth of God apart from revelation, for God hides it from the world and reveals it as He chooses. The truth is hidden from the prideful who are confident of their own knowledge. All must become like little children toward God’s revealed truth to have their “loins girt about with truth.”
The spiritual conflict Christians experience is much deeper than merely a battle against people. In this sermon titled “God’s Enemies Destroyed,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches on this spiritual warfare as it is written about in this last book of the New Testament. Who are the antagonists behind the opposition of men and women? Dr. Lloyd-Jones identifies these as the devil, the secular powers and governments of the earth, false religion, and the seductive power of worldliness. Over and over throughout Scripture, Christians are warned against being lured by the pleasures and promises of the world. Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that when all attempts fail, Satan leans heavily on this to cause Christians to fall. However, even though God gives descriptions of these enemies, how marvelous it is that in Revelation He shows the details of the Christian triumphs. The essence of comfort is that Christians ultimately have no need to fear. God promises that these antagonists will be judged and that this judgment is final and emphatic.
What is truly in the heart of people? What is the mind really like? In this sermon on Jeremiah 17:5–8 titled “A Life in Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches that everyone is born in sin and darkness. This is found all throughout Scripture, beginning with the fall in Genesis and ending in the final judgment in Revelation. So much of the world’s suffering stems from humankind rejecting God and replacing His ways with their own. They scorn the very word of God that offers hope to those blinded by Satan. The wickedness of the human heart can only be overcome by the miracle of regeneration. This transformation turns a wicked enemy of God into a forgiven child of God. It is then that Christians can live as new creatures who seek what is holy, pure, and godly. They no longer walk the broad road of destruction, but now they follow the narrow path with all its hardships and struggle as children of God who faithfully await the return of Christ.
What authority comes with the gospel? What authority did the apostles have to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ? In this sermon on 2 Corinthians 4:1–6 titled “The Authority of the Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the authority of Scripture and how God uses His word to command the church to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. The gospel is not the product of clever human reasoning or philosophy. It is the work of Jesus Christ that is revealed in holy Scripture. No one can find it by searching for it, but they can only know the gospel because God has graciously chosen to reveal it through His revelation. This is why the church of modern times must be like the apostles and proclaim the gospel to all; they must share the good news that Jesus has died for sinners and rose from the grave for their justification. This sermon calls all to examine themselves to see if they have believed in this message of salvation from sins. There is no other way to be saved than by believing in Jesus Christ.
Have you considered the questions of prayer, gifts of the spirit, faith healing, supernatural revelations, or demon possession? Listen in to the sermon on healing and demon possession as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks to Scripture to answer questions on each of these topics. Is it right for a Christian to ask for gifts; especially the gift of healing? Here, we look at the example of Corinth to learn from their jealousy for such gifts. How should we understand healing with illnesses that are not getting better? The prayer of faith has a great certainty about it, we must recognize this uncommonness. Is the supernatural something that can ever be understood, or is it something that we will eventually be able to understand with the growth of knowledge? What about understanding the work of the Devil and demon possession? Different illustrations are used in Scripture to help us understand these matters, but the danger is that we literalize them. Follow as we learn about true intimacy with the Spirit, not to abandon critical faculties and be exposed to evil spirits, but to go on in the fight of faith.
What does the righteousness of God entail? How can sinful man stand before a righteous God? In this sermon on righteousness from Romans 1:16-17 titled “Righteousness of God Revealed,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones offers a clear and compelling look at the righteousness that comes from God and is applied to the believer in such a way that it satisfies God’s holiness. In this context of Paul’s letter, righteousness is more than an attribute of God. It is a righteousness that conforms to God’s law and is well-pleasing in his sight. This righteousness provided from God to the Christian comes from Jesus Christ who has satisfied the law in every way. As Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains, that righteousness is now put to the believers account not by his own works or merit but by taking on the righteousness of Christ by faith. Thereby, they are now considered in right standing before God. This great act of righteousness obtained through Christ is a revelation, an unveiling that happened in God’s sovereign plan, that is made clear in the New Testament.
What are cults? Why are they so dangerous? In this sermon on Ephesians 6:10–13 titled “Cults,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that cults are groups that are not Christian, but nevertheless claim to be. They teach things that fundamentally deny the Christian faith and gospel. Often, cults are centered around one person who claims to have received a special divine revelation. These cults either deny the authority of Scripture altogether, or they put another authority on equal level or above that of the Bible. Many of these cults minimize or deny the doctrines of sin, the incarnation, and the atonement. Unlike heresies, cults are groups that are entirely outside of the church and Christianity. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that cults are one of the many ways that the devil deceives people. False teaching can and does destroy people’s lives because it sets them on the path to destruction by denying the true gospel. This is why the church must be clear that the gospel is by faith alone in Christ who is both truly God and man.
How can the Christian face any and all trials that may come in this life? In this sermon on 2 Corinthians 5:1 titled “The Bible and Death,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd tells how Christianity is not a vague spirit and religion but that it must be taught. He shares the reason for both preaching and listening to the gospel of Christ. The Bible alone causes people to truly face the question of death. Nothing is as absolutely certain as death. Every person that lives is born to die. “Here is the one question and the one answer which can never be corrected,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones says. Christianity is not speculation, but it is a revelation from God. Paul is simply an ambassador for Christ; this is not a human idea. Christians are merely representatives of God. Other philosophies and religions have no answer. The incarnation, death, and resurrection of Christ are absolutely essential. The Christian knows when they die in this body that they will be alive unto God. It is only when one knows how to die that they then know how to live. Listen to this sermon to gain this certainty through Christ.
The crucifixion of the Son of God, who the apostle Paul called the Lord of glory, is the most profound paradox in human history. Because it is foolishness to those who are perishing and wisdom to those being saved, it automatically divides the world into two groups. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 2:6–8 titled “The Cross that Divides,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones elaborates on the mystery of the cross and explains why it divides humanity. The great divide the cross creates comes down to the hidden element in the cross and the necessity of divine illumination produced by the Holy Spirit. While the rulers, princes, authorities, and the natural people see only a failed prophet from Nazareth hung on a tree, revelation given by the Holy Spirit gives spiritual eyes to see it is the God-man Jesus Christ dying for sins in order to bring His people to glory. Hear Dr. Lloyd-Jones challenge the people of God to meditate, spend time on, and “survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died”.
What gives the church any message to speak to the world? In this sermon on Acts 6:1–7 titled “Authority of the Word,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at the early church to examine how they saw their mission. At the center of the apostles’ ministry was the preaching of the word and the declaration that Jesus is the true Messiah. They said this based on the authority of God’s revelation in His word. The authority of Scripture comes from God Himself who reveals Himself in and through His word. The church does not speak with the authority of humans but of God. It is this divine message of salvation that is the only hope for humanity in all ages. This is why the church must always be faithful to preserve and uphold the gospel; it must be ever vigilant to preach the whole word of God to a rebellious world. This sermon tells of a God who has revealed Himself to sinful humanity that they might know Him and come into a saving relationship with Him. This gospel is the only message of hope and true peace for the world.
The apostle Paul tells that all are in sin and ruled by sin. Apart from the gospel all are dead in their sins and trespasses. In this sermon on Ephesians 2:1–3 titled “The Wrath of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches that the judgement of God is the only answer for the children of wrath. It is vital to understand the wrath of God in order to understand both the grace and love of God. One can only understand Christ, His life, and His death if they see the great problem of their sin and God’s wrath. This wrath is the manifestation of God’s just indignation and this just judgment of sin can be seen from Genesis to Revelation as the plan and story of redemption unfolds. In God’s love He provided hope for sinful and fallen people. By sending His Son to die for sinners who deserved nothing but condemnation and judgement, He provides a way of salvation and justification for His enemies. This is the glory of the gospel: it is adoption and justification for those who deserve nothing but judgment. It is the adoption of God’s enemies as children and inheritors through the work of Christ.
Who is able to see and understand spiritual truths? According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in his sermon “The Example by Nicodemus,” it is only those who have the Spirit. This is seen in Jesus’s encounter with Nicodemus in John 3:9. Jesus repeatedly refers to spiritual truths, such as the Holy Spirit’s power of salvation and the necessity of the new birth. But Nicodemus is unable to understand that Jesus is referring to spiritual truths and not simply physical ones. In this, the great error of humanity can be seen in the attempt to understand all things according to human reason and intellect. Yet the Bible shows the folly of this, for only those who are truly saved can perceive the nature of spiritual reality. Even then, it is by faith that they believe, not by their own intellect. This means that believers and unbelievers alike can never rely on their own abilities to understand God, the world, and themselves, but they must rely on the revelation of God and the illumination of the Holy Spirit to overcome the sinful blindness. For, as this sermon on Nicodemus points out, it is only by God’s grace that He can be known as Lord and Savior.
The Bible is a wonderful, coherent narrative spanning centuries of God’s revelation of Himself to humanity. Biblical typology helps interpreters of the Bible understand how the Old Testament, with its laws concerning feasts, celebrations, sacrifices, and institutions, is fulfilled in Christ Jesus. In this sermon on the feast of tabernacles from John 7:14, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds the Bible’s teaching on the Feast of Tabernacles. He connects for his listeners its significance for ancient Israel and the lessons it taught the people of God as they dwelled in tents, celebrating their deliverance from the bondage of Egyptian slavery. Yet the law of Moses is not an end unto itself. Following the teaching of the New Testament, Dr. Lloyd-Jones connects the Feast of Tabernacles to the great anti-type, the Son of God who “tabernacled” among His people. Listen as he models how to relate the Old Testament to the New Testament and, more importantly, about the love of God, the message of hope, and the final deliverance one has in the substance of all the typologies found in the Bible – Jesus Christ.
Many in modern times say that Christianity is the kind of belief that is undefinable and unexplainable: it is not about propositions, but feelings. In this sermon on Acts 24:14–16 titled “What Is a Christian?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains why this is the wrong conception of Christianity. The apostle Paul says that at the center of Christianity is the resurrection of Christ. Because Christianity is a religion based in God’s revelation, it is God who defines what it means to be a Christian. God has told that to be a Christian is not merely a subjective feeling, but it is a belief in the truth of the gospel. It is a belief that Jesus has died upon the cross for sinners, and rose from the dead so that all who repent of their sins and believe in Christ are forgiven of all their sins. This sermon contains the message that everyone needs to hear; it is the message that all can have peace with God through the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is the message that Christianity is about both subjective feelings and the objective news of what God has done. This gospel is truly good news for all sinners.
In light of the emptiness of the ungodly life, how can one become godly, blessed, and happy? How can one truly live the “more abundant life” that Christ came to give? In this sermon on Psalm 1:3–4 titled “As a Tree Planted,” many think they are Christians, but in this inspiring discourse, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones distinguishes the person who is unquestionably “in Christ” from those who merely deceive themselves. No one is born a Christian or can make themselves a Christian. A Christian is the work of God through the work of the Holy Spirit in conviction, revelation, repentance, and conversion. It’s God’s doing and one can only experience the new birth into a new life as the result of the operation of the Spirit. Only then will one experience the happiness God intended for people to know in Him. The true Christian has no need to fear whatever comes in life. The true Christian is like a tree. God is the “Planter” of the tree. He selects the location of the tree so that the tree will bear good fruit, in its season, and without withering.
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