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Preaching the sermon “The Living Word” from Acts 7:37–38, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones states that Christianity is a religion based in the living God’s revelation of Himself. It is only in the written word, the Old Testament and the New Testament, that one learns how they may be saved. Only in Scripture does the sinner come to know of Jesus Christ and the great need of forgiveness from sin and rebellion. It tells of His holiness and just condemnation against all sin and ungodliness. God tells of what He has done in His Son so that wicked sinners may be saved. This gospel is not known through psychology, the natural world in science, or philosophy. It is only in God’s divinely inspired Scripture that one finds what He has done for the sinner in Christ. This word comes in the power of his Spirit. It is able to convict evildoers and sinners of their great need for the gospel and deliverance of sins. This is the foundation of Christianity and the church. This is what all who call themselves servants of God and his gospel are standing upon. It is a sure and steady foundation.
In this sermon on Mark 1:14–15 titled “The Kingdom of God is at Hand,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones presents God’s message that calls all to listen to the truth. Humanity’s notion of Christianity is wrong. The depth of the knowledge of God’s truth is far from known. The modern position finds humanity without God and without a proper guide. Humanity is always ready to worship itself, but this must not be. Learn that all questions have already been answered, and the problems have already been solved. Listeners are encouraged to receive the revelation of God; His gospel announces a plan and a purpose and all that is needed has already been given. The problem of humanity today is the same problem that has always been. Christianity is the plan of God acting out in history. Salvation depends on what God has done in Christ, not on what a person can understand. Humanity is a slave of sin, but Christ has broken the chains to set them free for His kingdom and stand blameless before God in Christ.
In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:33–35 titled “The Temple in the Soul,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims that there is one God and one message of salvation that runs consistently throughout the entire Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, God is working to bring His plan of salvation to its fulfillment in Christ Jesus. The prophet Ezekiel looked forward to this fulfillment when God would rebuild what was lost in the fall. God does this through the gospel and forgiveness of sins. All were born in sin because of the fall and this fallen nature is wholly given over to sin and corruption. Humanity’s will, mind, and every action are tainted by sin. Relationships are twisted and marred by the effects of the sinful nature and disposition. Ignoring it doesn’t change the presence or reality of sin. The good news is that there is hope in Christ. Dr. Lloyd-Jones teaches that it is only in Christ that anyone can have true fellowship with God and neighbor. In the gospel people are made right with God and humanity by the blood of the only Son of God. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows the path out of the loneliness and confusion that engulfs humankind.
All are in dire need of salvation because all are under the judgment of God. Because of the fall, all are born in sin and in guilt. They must get rid of their polluted nature and their guilt before a holy God. How can a sinful person be reconciled with God? In this sermon titled “Son of God, Son of Man,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones joyfully and powerfully states that the great truth of the gospel is the forgiveness of sins and a new nature in Christ. By the gospel, the whole world is made new but in their pride and arrogance, people reject the gospel and its God. They believe that they can make the world a better place by their own endeavors. They do not believe that they are fallen sinners in need of a savior and a new life. They reject the idea that only through Christ can anyone be saved. But the message of Christ and Christ alone is the means of salvation is the gospel. This is the message of salvation from Genesis to Revelation. It is the God-man who came to save His people and bring about the kingdom of God.
Why should one listen to the message of the prophets and of holy Scripture? In an age of doubt and the rationalistic criticism of Scripture, this remains a vital question for the church and all believers. In this sermon on Isaiah 1:1–2 titled “As Revealed by the Prophets,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the nature of Scripture as the word of God given through the apostles and prophets. God gives His word to His people in times of need and guidance. This word from God is the only reason that the church has any authority to speak to the world and call it to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. The message of the church is that Jesus Christ has died for sinners so that they might be righteous and children of God. All who repent and believe in Jesus are saved from sin and the wrath of God. This message of salvation confronts the world in its fallenness and brokenness and tells of the God who has died for the world. God’s revelation is the only reason that the church can stand and proclaim this great truth that Jesus has come and died for sinners. This sermon confronts all that they need to repent and believe in Jesus Christ.
All of Scripture is about the promises of God. What does this mean? In this sermon on 2 Peter 1:4 titled “The Promises of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the great truth of God’s promises given to His people. It is these divine promises from Genesis to Revelation wherein God tells that He will grant peace and blessings. How does God give Christians all these things? The answer is in the person of Christ Jesus. It is Jesus that gives all peace and happiness because it is He who saves from all sin. Sadly, many have mistaken the law of God for the promise itself, for the law looks forward to Jesus, but it is not the promise. The law brings condemnation on all because they are sinners. Jesus, however, delivers His people from sin and fulfills the entire law for them. The only question to ask is, “do you hope in the promise of God, namely Jesus Christ?” Those who die apart from Christ will never know the peace of God. There is no more pressing matter than belief in the great Savior, Jesus Christ.
In this sermon on Colossians 1:3–7 titled “The Heavenly Hope,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on where Paul addresses the Colossae church, encouraging the congregation on their acceptance of the good news. This good news is the gospel, the core of Christianity. It is not a feeling or emotional state, Dr. Lloyd-Jones says. It is a truth passed down from Christ and the disciples. In short, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains, the good news is a selection of doctrine, a body of truth that Christ came to redeem the world from the punishment of sin. In light of this revelation, the believer should take joy in the hope that is laid up for him or her in heaven. It is this hope that declares Christianity as different. Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that Christianity is not here to solve the problems of the world or to give people practical ways to improve their life. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds the listener that Christianity is concerned with a person’s soul, their eternal destination. The world will remain evil until Christ’s return, but until He comes, this hour is the time for people to accept God’s incredible grace and seize His profound love.
What makes the gospel so unique? In the sermon “The Content of the Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones opens Acts 8:35 and shows how the good news of Jesus Christ is not a message of human invention. The gospel of Christ is by design opposed to the ways of sinful people who do not know God. For this reason, it is a great stumbling block to Jew and Gentile alike. This is because the Christian message is one of salvation from sins by the atoning work of Jesus Christ, who died upon a cross so that all who are sinful could be counted righteous before God. So, it is not a matter of personal experience nor is it about mystical revelations. The truth of Christianity is revealed truth and it is found in God’s holy and inspired word. This is the sure and steady foundation for Christianity, for in it is all that is needed to achieve godliness and holiness. It is in this word that the truth of what Jesus Christ did on Calvary’s cross is found. When the Christian stands to proclaim the truth of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, they do not come on the basis of experience, but with the very words of the living God.
Is there any advantage to being a Jew? The apostle Paul understands this questioning might come up after all he has said about their guilt. However, his point was to prove that the whole world was condemned by sin before God. In this sermon from Romans 3:1–2 titled “Stewards of the Mysteries,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains Paul’s words that showed that Jews do have one advantage: they were given the divine oracles of God. They were entrusted with the living revelation of God’s word and were tasked with keeping it safe and spreading the truth to others. Dr. Lloyd-Jones argues that there is no higher privilege for any human than to be spoken to directly by God. God spoke to Moses by giving him the Ten Commandments and Moses brought them to God’s chosen people, the Jews. To have this kind of knowledge should lead to repentance and to seek salvation from God. In the same manner, does the Christian understand what kind of advantage it is for them to have an open Bible? They have the living Word of God in front of them and are entrusted to keep the truth and share it with others.
Suffering and pain surround humanity. In this sermon on the fall, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains what God’s word says about the fall and sin. Contrary to many erroneous contemporary views, sin and evil are not eternal principles, nor is sin simply the lack of good. Rather, sin and evil are the result of humanity’s willing rebellion against God. This rebellion brought sin into a perfect world. The Bible gives this story in the first chapters of Genesis in which the serpent deceived Adam and Eve and lured them into temptation. This is not simply a myth used to illustrate the human fall into sin, but it is God’s revelation of a true historical event. In their original state, people had no natural desire to sin, but sin entered from outside through the temptation of Satan. This fall did not change the essence of people, but it changed their relationship with God. Now that humanity has fallen and is estranged from the fellowship of God, all have lost their original righteousness, and their nature has been utterly corrupted. This is why humanity and the world are in such a dire need for the Savior, Jesus Christ.
In this sermon on Ephesians 5:19 titled “True Melody,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds what he calls the characteristics of Christian music based on this Scripture passage. He says that for Christians, worship music is not about sensory experiences, but Spirit-filled worship and praise of God the Savior. It is not done for human entertainment or for the sake of showmanship, but it is about exalting God and His great Name. For this reason, it is not to be done flippantly or in a crass manner, but the who is worshipped should inform how the church worships. True Christian worship in a church is to be done as a congregation and community of believers who have come together. It is not a time for individuals to demonstrate their musical prowess and ability, but it is time for all Christians to sing as a unified body. Because Christian worship takes place in a church, it is to always be subject to the preaching and teaching of God’s word. To do otherwise would be to commit the great error of the Roman Catholic Church and others and replace the proclamation of God’s word with something else, whether it be music or sacraments. True worship is always done in light of God’s revelation of Himself and of His will to His people.
Humanity’s fundamental need is to know the truth about the world, themselves, and God. The gospel provides these truths and thankfully does not merely stop there—it is good news. Not a product of humanity, the gospel is a certain revelation of God’s eternal heart. God has made a way of salvation for the human predicament. In this sermon on Galatians 1:6–7 titled “No Other Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches how God can be one’s Father. “And can it be that I should gain an interest in my Savior’s blood?” This sermon shows Paul’s urgent concern for the people who had gone wrong on how to become possessors of this blessing. Learn about the truth that changed Luther and many mighty men of God, causing the Protestant Reformation. What is the doctrine of justification by faith? Preaching must explain this particular doctrine. How does one become a Christian? It is not by birth, nationality, circumcision, baptism, diet, or the law. The law is absolute—if one fails in one part, they have broken it entirely. God alone can make a person a Christian. Christ has taken away the sin and clothes His people with His righteousness.
Many Christians see Christianity simply as a way to change the world through politics and social work. They insist that the role of the church is to pronounce a judgment on every current world event. In this sermon on Ephesians 6:5–9 titled “Things That are God’s,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones showing that while the church should have much to say on current events, its primary responsibility is the proclamation of God’s word. It is only there that the deepest and most central problems in the world can be addressed. According to the Bible, everything else is just symptomatic of humanity’s fallen and sinful nature. This is why the gospel is so important; it alone addresses humanity’s relationship to sin and to God and gives the answer in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When the church moves away from the gospel as the central message and heart of Christianity, it soon becomes like every other human institution and society. But when the church proclaims Scripture as God’s revelation to sinners and the hope of salvation that is contained within, it brings a new message that is wholly different from any other that the world has to offer. It proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ as the hope for all sinners who will repent and believe.
Sin impacts everyone. No one can escape the devastating reality of the fallen world. What began in the garden with Adam and Eve, continues to corrupt everyone today. This corruption and depravity applies to all of human faculties, especially the mind. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones describes in this sermon titled “Professing Themselves Wise,” this accounts for the fundamentally wrong perceptions of God that fallen humans have. They are unable to understand God and His attributes. They are unable to receive His revelation that is clearly seen in nature and uniquely revealed in Scripture. But there is a unique danger when the church loses sight of the gospel it is to proclaim. Even the church can be drawn aside all too quickly from proclaiming the pure milk of the word and begin delivering only a message of moral conformity or comfort and ease. When the church does not understand the root of all unbelief in the corrupted mind and nature, it will fail to see the great the need for the gospel. The antidote, as Dr. Lloyd-Jones proclaims, is to diligently study the word and boldly preach the gospel. For this alone is the power that can restore and renew hearts and minds. This is the message that must be proclaimed.
What Paul preached determined how he preached it: the nature of the gospel in the glory of God provides the power. Look at the biggest problem confronting humanity today in considering how Christ was treated on earth: why is the Son of God rejected? In this sermon on 2 Corinthians 4:3-4, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses the vital urgency of proclaiming the message of the gospel and the various groups who have rejected Christ as the Messiah over the years. Both an able person and a fool are ignorant of the gospel and reject God. There is no new knowledge. “The gospel is revelation; it is not man’s straining to try and discover.” The world cannot know God by seeking; He must reveal Himself. If the God of this world has blinded people, the gospel is hid from the unbeliever. The gospel alone explains the state of this imperfect world today. Unbelief is always a result of prejudice, and a refusal to face the facts. Do not boast in ignorance and glory in shame. It is never clever to reject this message. There will be eternal punishment without relief. Be amazed by His glory — God in the flesh. Turn to the Lord, He alone gives sight.
How can finite people know the infinite God? As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims in this sermon on 2 Corinthians 5:18–19, there is no question more important to answer in this life or the next. Humanity was created to know their creator and to love Him, but because of sin and rebellion, they are alienated from God. Some say that the answer to this dilemma is to use reason to know God, as this has been the answer of the many wise people and philosophers over the ages. Others recommend mysticism where humans commune with God through religious practices and experiences. However, the biblical answer is found in the nature of God’s revelation as God spoke through the prophets and apostles in Scripture. This means that humans cannot rely on themselves to know God, but by looking to what God has said concerning Himself. There is no place for humanity’s autonomous reason or immediate religious experiences once they understand that God has made Himself known in Scripture and in His Son, Jesus Christ. God must be looked to not only for knowledge of Himself, but also to know Him as Savior and Lord.
In this sermon on Hebrews 8:5 titled “Hear Ye Him,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims the great commission that was given to Moses, and ultimately to all preachers of the gospel. Where did Moses’s authority and message come from? Look at how God commissioned Moses with a detailed plan; He has done the same for all His people. The quest for truth cannot start with modern humanity; Christianity must have a different starting point. All are invited to come back to the revelation of God Himself. Moses has no authority apart from God, and neither does anyone else. Take a closer look at God’s pattern and plan for humanity. God alone can tell people about themselves, life, and death. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones walks through the Sermon on the Mount and then brings the listener to the mount of Calvary to hear its message. This is a message of the holiness and love of God. Sin will be punished, and Christ did not offer the blood of bulls and goats, but He offered His own blood. Salvation is through the shed blood of God’s only Son.
No one escapes life’s trials, tribulations, or depression. The heaviness and darkness of life can surround and leave people feeling without hope. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains in this sermon from 1 Peter 1:6–7, it is natural for Christians to feel grieved and sorrowed. But why do trials and tribulations happen to Christians? What is God accomplishing by allowing difficult circumstances into the lives of his children? Each situation is designed by God to refine the precious character of our faith. Just as gold is refined by the fire to remove impurities, the Christian faith must be refined to remove the impurities of sin. Lloyd-Jones proclaims the words of Peter, that trials are essential in order to show the genuineness of faith, to prove that by God's power, His people can withstand the test. There is no need to despair. Christians are able to endure such times because the Lord loves his children and they can trust Him. These trials are only for a season and there is understanding that the Lord is faithful in all circumstances. The day of revelation is coming, and those who have been refined and are proven faithful will be delivered on that day. The Lord will present those who have been refined as faultless before God.
Can anyone discover the mysteries of God? Does God hide His will from humanity? As the apostle Paul expands his teaching on God’s grace, he moves from election and predestination to “mystery." In this sermon on Ephesians 1:8–9 titled “The Mystery of His Will,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones warns that this mystery is no incomprehensible mystery as taught in the ancient religions, reserved only for a select few. Nor is it a vague teaching, antithetical to propositional truth as many contemporary Christian movements want to make it. Instead, biblical mystery is something hidden from natural humanity, yet God has fully revealed it. It is an open secret that sinful humanity cannot see. It is a truth that God must reveal to individuals. This has great implications for evangelism. The gospel is comprehensible to anyone, no matter their intellect, as long as God reveals it to them. Dr. Lloyd-Jones insists that this is the work of the Holy Spirit who opens the eyes of men and women to the revelation of Jesus Christ in the Scriptures. Faith is not opposed to reason, but reason alone cannot bring someone to God. The mind of a person, at its best, is inadequate; God must bring them to this truth. All desperately need His grace.
Christianity is built upon the authority of Jesus Christ and his word. In this sermon on Acts 4:19–20, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows us how this is seen in the teaching and preaching of the Apostles in the early church. When Peter and John stood before the Jewish leaders in Acts 4, they taught and performed miracles all in the name of Christ Jesus. They did not rely on the teaching and authority of great rabbis and wise philosophers, but they proclaimed the Christ and Him crucified as was revealed to them in God’s word. The church in the days of the Apostles, and the church in all days, has no other message than what Christ has given them. It is by His revelation that He is known. It is by the words of the Bible that we know who Christ is and what he has done for us. There is no need to come up with a new message, for it had already been given in Christ and His word. The church of today should stand upon the inspired word of God, and this word is inerrant and true. It is not the product of human ingenuity and knowledge, but it is the word of God breathed out through his Spirit. This is the sure and steady foundation of the God’s church.
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