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The greatest tragedy in the world is the neglect of the Christian message. This neglect causes so much unhappiness and distress. Everything God does is a perfect work and in His salvation nothing is left undone, but many people, even Christians, fail to recognize this greatness. They need a new attitude toward holiness: “Ye shall be my people.” In this sermon on Ezekiel 36:28 titled “A Great and Complete Salvation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones seeks to view this Scripture from God’s perspective. There is nothing more terrible than to be without God in the world; to do so is to belong to a realm that is dying and decaying—this is a tragic position, yet one the sinner delights in. Gain the assurance that God is a personal God, and that He will not let His people go. Salvation brings a certainty when the Christian goes to God in prayer. “In Christ, we are brought to an inheritance that is incorruptible and undefiled,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones shares and encourages that this is reserved in heaven by God for His people. Not only are they a holy nation as His people, but He is their God. He laid Himself down that He might bring them to God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones leaves the listener with one question: “Can you say ‘He is my God’?”
How does the devil operate against individuals in the church? It is important to know the wiles of the enemy to become better equipped in spiritual warfare against him. In this sermon on Ephesians 6:10–13 titled “Watchfulness,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones notes the absence of literature that recognizes the devil for what he does. He provides a couple examples from history that properly reveal the wiles of the devil, such as Pilgrim’s Progress by Paul Bunyan and Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. Resources like these come alongside Scripture to help the Christian watch carefully. That being said, there is no substitute for consistent prayer rooted in Scripture and accompanied by self-examination. These essentials help defend the three main lines of attack: mind, experience, and behavior. The devil produces an error of imbalance somewhere in the three so that Christians either do too much or too little to recover. Dr. Lloyd-Jones draws out the dangers of over-emphasizing in these areas leading to intellectualism, emotionalism, or pragmatism. The solution that he offers his listeners for perfect balance comes from a true view of the gospel. Christians must submit to God’s way of delivering them wholly and completely, through mind, experience, and behavior.
In this sermon on Hebrews 4:14–16 titled “Assurance: To the Uncertain and to the Discouraged,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the theme of the preeminence of God, the importance of doctrine, and two crucial prescriptions for the Christian. Christians are unhappy because they are not as certain about their salvation as they ought to be. People like psychology with a little biblical terminology, and feeling like they are good people. The gospel is not merely for comfort. Two things are deemed to be inseparable prescriptions for the Christian. First, hold fast to the confession of the faith. Second, come boldly before the throne. Orthodoxy is not enough. Vague feelings and prayer are not enough. Learn the fallacy of the common phrase: “Christianity is caught not taught.” The Christian is an intellectual who knows who he believes, what he believes, and why he believes it. Hear about the confessions and catechisms created by people of God—Christians need a defined faith on which to hold fast. What is the Christian faith about? Christianity is not just positive thinking and comfort. Look at the person and work of Christ—the resurrection, Christ as representative, High Priest, Son of God, and Son of Man. Christ can sympathize with His people. The throne of justice is also the throne of grace and must be approached with reverence.
Genuine Christians may lack joy in Christ if they lack certainty of their relationship with God. In this sermon on Hebrews 10:19–22 titled “A New and Living Way,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches of how the writer encourages the reader to have full assurance and draw near to Christ. He addresses the chief problem: the conscience condemns. In one’s own nature, no one is able to come before the throne of God in prayer because of sin. Dr. Lloyd-Jones highlights the Old Testament temple practices of entering the Holiest of Holies and the work of the priest. This was the old way, one that required blood and priests. It was a kind of communion with God few would enter. This practice, however, paved the way to a new and better way. Through the blood of Christ, the vilest of sinners can enter the holiest of all. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that Jesus washes and sanctifies the believer, clothing them in righteousness, and fitting them for the presence of God. As the High Priest, Jesus has gone before them and has prepared a way for believers to commune with God. Therefore, draw near to God with a true heart having full assurance of faith. Listen and experience the joy of the Christian life.
Sin darkens and deceives the mind, leading to all kinds of horrors that are found in this life. It causes distance and estrangement from God. People forget that God is holy, but all of creation proclaims God and His majesty. The heavens declare the glory of God. In this sermon on Jeremiah 17:10 titled “The Judgement of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones describes in wonder that humanity does not constantly live in light of the fact that God sits in the heavens and does whatever He pleases. Meanwhile humankind cannot even understand their own heart, but God discerns the hearts of people. This God who knows the heart and secret sins, as well as secret generosity and quiet prayers, will judge every person. Jesus said that each person would have to give account for every idle word that they speak. This is a sobering reality, namely, that everyone will have to stand before a just God and account for not only their actions, but also their idle words. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also elaborates on repentance and says that not all weeping is a sign of repentance. At times a person who has no intention of giving up their sin will weep because of the consequences of a wicked lifestyle.
What is the understanding of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ? In this sermon “Christ’s Death—The Purpose of God?” from Acts 4:23–28, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains how this is the ultimate test of the validity of the Christian faith. Was it simply the result of the actions of the cruel and ignorant? If God is so powerful and Christ so wonderful, why did He die and in this way? In this highly theological prayer made by the early church during their first evil hour of persecution, they focus on the central message of Christianity: the death of Jesus Christ on the cross was no mere accident, nor example, nor response of God to the actions of sinners. The cross was the purpose of God, foretold from Abel to Moses to Isaiah, all the way to John the Baptist when he cried out, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” There was no other way for God to remain just and the justifier of His people other than sending His own Son into the world to take upon Himself the sins of His people. Humanity killed Him, but only according to the definite purpose of God and it is the center of everything.
A Christian will hear the voice of God and understand His mind by reading His Word. In this sermon on Ephesians 3:19 titled “Preparing for a Guest,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims that this requires both prayer and study to come to a deeper knowledge of God and His word. This should be part of a continual pursuit of God that marks the whole life of a Christian. But Christians must always avoid the temptation to fall into ritualistic practices of reading Scripture and praying as dead acts. Dr. Lloyd-Jones exhorts the listener to cultivate deep and abiding affections for God. This is not as a way to gain favor with God, but instead born out of a heart of thankfulness and love for all that He is and all that He has done in Christ. Ultimately no one is able to seek and worship Him rightfully without the saving work of Christ Jesus being applied by the saving power of the Holy Spirit. Even in the believer’s pursuit of God, they only do so because of what God has already done for them by the grace of His gospel. This should encourage believers to respond with nothing but gratitude and affection toward God for the great salvation and new heart that He has given in Christ Jesus.
It’s disheartening how easily human minds forget important events, even the most important events or happenings in history. With human nature comes human forgetfulness. In this sermon on the question “What is Revival?” from Joshua 4:21–24, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones doesn’t allow that fact to excuse the Christian from reconsidering revivals of the past so that the church may discover how to seek the Lord and pray for revival to happen again. He explains that revival is the greatest need among the body of Christ today, and that the thoughts and prayers of Christians should go toward revival. The problem today is that people are so busy that they do not even think of it. Human absorption with oneself, their own generation, and their own activities dangerously occupy them and cause them to forget this great need. Dr. Lloyd-Jones presents the definition of revival and states the difference between it and an evangelistic campaign. Revival happens to the church; an evangelistic campaign is done by the church and happens to those outside it. When it happens to the church, it is almost like a repetition of the day of Pentecost. People become aware of spiritual things as they never were before. Men and women realize the glory and holiness of God. They feel a terrible sense of sin and guilt and their conviction drives them to repentance.
In his book, the prophet Isaiah demonstrates deep concern for the City of God. In this sermon on Isaiah 62:6–7 titled “Revival Sermon: Praying for the Power,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones stresses that today Christians should be just as concerned for the church and God’s people. The church is the bride of Christ, the City of God, and His dwelling place. He suggests that if Christians don’t have the same concern Isaiah had, perhaps it is because they don’t possess the right conception of the church. And if they don’t, they cannot love it the way Christ does. Isaiah has a burdened heart; a heart broken over the state of the remnant of God’s people. He prays to the Lord and pleads with the people to remember His goodness and mercy. When the church seems to be only a remnant, weak and small, Christians must remember that she is a holy people; the place where God dwells. Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out a few areas where Christians must act upon their concern for the church such as doctrine, prayer, and evangelism. He reminds to pray for revival and encourage others to do the same. In doing so, Christians are to remind God of His own promises and what He has said about Zion, the City of David, and His church.
Christians long to see the glory of God as Moses did when he approached the Lord and interceded for the Israelites in Exodus 33:18–23. It is essential that Christians know his increasing boldness, and plead with God to “show me your glory”. Sadly, there are many today who cannot truly say they have a longing to know God more deeply. Many either never knew Him in the first place, or have the feeling that they have “arrived,” and look down upon others who have not. The church today must long for personal and direct knowledge of God. In this sermon on Exodus 33:18–23 titled “Revival Sermon: The Glory of God,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out how often the Psalmist expresses this exact longing when he calls upon the Lord. His satisfaction is found solely in the Lord. Christian prayers should be motivated by a concern for the manifestation of the glory of God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also points out an example found in the New Testament in the life of Paul. Paul was never satisfied in his personal relationship with Christ, but longed to know Him more. The more he knew about Christ, the more he loved Him and desired to spend his life for the gospel.
Since Christians do not actively “take” the Spirit, but passively receive the sovereign Spirit, what are they to do? As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones pursues this question in this sermon on Romans 8:15 titled “Spirit Baptism and Fullness,” he sets the context of the passage. He notes that Spirit baptism is an extra – a plus. It is an additional assurance children of God experience. In other words, it is not something every believer who has the Spirit of adoption experiences. Nevertheless, it is something all should desire. In Romans 8:15, the apostle Paul elaborates on Spirit baptism, or being filled with the Spirit. Dr. Lloyd-Jones encourages all Christians to genuinely seek the fullness of the Spirit, but not by trying to “seize” the Spirit. Furthermore, Christians cannot pretend they can take it by someone laying hands on them. How does one get it then? Dr. Lloyd-Jones teaches that it is through obedience and prayer. In the end, however, Christians rest knowing the Holy Spirit is sovereign. If indeed the Spirit does grant this assurance, the Christian will surely know it. Let them not, however, pretend to have it, warns Dr. Lloyd-Jones, unless they actually do. Listen as he teaches on the joys, and potential pitfalls, of Spirit baptism.
Christians all around the world face varying levels of persecution—some believers are murdered or physically harmed for their faith, while others are merely scoffed at by those who think Christianity is foolish. What can the Christian do to combat this? In this sermon on Acts 4:23–24 titled “Power in Persecution,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains how the church can stand strong in the midst of trying times by pointing back to the early church and the examples of Peter and John. First, believers must not compromise their message. After being released from prison, Peter and John continued to preach the gospel even though they had been forbidden to on penalty of death. Second, they must go to God in prayer. It is so easy for Christians to become anxious about what they need to do, yet Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out that Peter and John acknowledged that it was God’s problem to handle, not theirs. This brought immense peace because they were choosing to rest in God’s sovereignty by trusting His plan rather than becoming worried about the circumstances. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones unpacks how Christians today can stand strong for the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of persecution.
What does it mean to seek baptism of the Spirit? In this sermon titled “Seeking Baptism in the Spirit (3),” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches from John 1:26–33 to encourage Christians that they must seek baptism of the Spirit. By this, he means to seek the salvation of God both in justification and sanctification. God justifies completely upon conversion but His wondrous and purging sanctification will last a lifetime until being made perfect before His throne upon death. Dr. Lloyd-Jones exhorts that many Christians seek growth and baptism of the Spirit spasmodically, in that they pray only seasonally. God often grows His people only after driving them to the point of despair so that they may see their inadequacy in comparison to His glorious completeness. What Dr. Lloyd-Jones instructs is that the Christian ought to seek the Lord constantly in their prayers and be consistent and patient with the way in which God brings about growth – after all, God’s ways are not their ways. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also has a word on reading biographies as they are meant to stimulate the reader to seek God, not motivate them to seek the same experience as others. The saints of old can teach what it means to love the Lord.
What is the responsibility of evangelism? In this sermon titled “Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism, and Arminianism,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones distinguishes between the three from a biblical perspective in regards to evangelism. There is a great confusion today between mere activity and real spiritual work. People are always impressed by activity, but this is often carnal zeal and activism. What is “prayer-backing”? Do Calvinists need to be reminded of the responsibility of evangelism in ministry? What is the right motive for evangelism? Learn of the history of Calvinism and the over-correction that often results. Hyper-Calvinists press logic so far that they do not give the free offer of salvation to others. Hear of election, predestination, and human responsibility, and of the biblical truths that cannot be logically reconciled. God alone is responsible for salvation, while humanity alone is responsible for damnation. Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones argues that a person ought to be a great Calvinist who preaches like an Arminian. Evangelism is the result of a great urge, not mere duty; it is an inevitable fruit, not something to be added. How did Christianity spread before the printing press? Look to God for help, rather than oneself; be filled with the glory of God, rather than statistics and organizations. Stand humbled before God.
Perhaps the pastoral question most often asked by the Christian church concerns the will of God. Christians want to know what decisions they ought to make. They want to make plans, but are often perplexed and overwhelmed by the prospect of making the wrong decision. Many faithful believers have desires, intentions, and longings for their lives, but hesitate and/or doubt because they wonder if these things are in accord with the will of God. In short, faithful Christians often ask: “How do I know the will of God? How can I be guided by God’s will?” As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says of the apostle Paul in this sermon titled “Submitted to the Word of God” on Romans 1:7–15, nothing is more characteristic of Paul than his submission to God. It would be appropriate then to learn from the great apostle on this topic. Dr. Lloyd-Jones outlines several principles from the apostle Paul’s life which teach about unfulfilled desires, longings, plans, hinderances, open doors, shut doors, and prayers. Dr. Lloyd-Jones notes the importance of Christians using minds, reason, common sense, godly counsel, and circumstances in order to determine and interpret God’s will in their lives. A fundamental characteristic for determining God’s will for the Christian is the Holy Spirit’s witness to their spirit. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains what this means and how the Christian can fully submit to the will of God.
Conversion is not the end of the Christian journey; it’s the beginning. The apostle Paul was aware of this and longed to visit the Christians in Rome so that he might strengthen them. In this sermon titled “My God, Through Jesus Christ” from Romans 1:7–15, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones displays the apostle Paul’s love for others which stems from his confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ. Filled with the Spirit, Paul’s passion is clearly seen as he thinks of others, prays for them, and seeks to visit them. Among many Christians today, the primary concern is for oneself. A person talks about their own personal journey toward God. It’s not uncommon to hear a Christian declare, “I'm just focusing on myself right now.” But is this the way of Christ? Through Jesus, Christians have confidence before God. Christians are no longer simply “seeking God,” but rather seeking to love others through the assurance they have found in Jesus Christ. Listen in as Dr. Lloyd-Jones demonstrates how the gospel motivated Paul, not only with the desire to visit and strengthen others, but to pray for them. As Paul comes to God in prayer, he comes through the one in whom he has such confidence: the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way of salvation and the Christian desires all others to be built up in Him.
What is faith? In this sermon on Romans 4:18–22 titled “Faith Glorifying God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones dissects the negative and positive aspects of the nature of faith through the illustration of Abraham presented in Romans 4:18–22: “No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.” Abraham’s faith was not one that looked to itself, nor to his circumstances, but its essence was to give glory to God. He considered the nature of God – the God who never makes His promises lightly, never changes His mind, and is fully capable of doing what He has promised – and Abraham applied that knowledge to his circumstances. In one’s own experience, though they may find they are weak in faith, all they need do to strengthen it is to follow the example of Abraham and many others put forth in Scripture as examples of great faith. The Christian must grow in their knowledge of God – objectively, as He’s revealed Himself in the Scriptures and personally, through prayer and time spent in His presence – and apply that knowledge to the particulars of their lives. Faith is simply holding onto the faithfulness of God.
In this sermon on Acts 2:42 titled “A Charge to the Church”, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows what the church is, why it exists, and why it is important. One of the primary reasons that a church exists is for the preaching of God’s word. Teaching directly from Acts 2:42, he points out that the early church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Many churches today gather in ways to increase the entertainment value for the congregation. While Christian fellowship in a church is an extremely vital part of a Christian’s walk, this must not outweigh and overshadow the necessity of going to church to worship with other believers and to hear God’s word preached. Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that one of the great characteristics of the early church was that they were always meeting, but while the early church did gather for fellowship, Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out that Acts 2:42 clearly states that they were primarily concerned with worship and hearing God’s word. Why else does a church exist? A church, or gathering of believers, is a community where the gospel can be lived out and lost people can be introduced to it. Thus, churches serve incredibly important roles as lights to the world. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones expounds on these points and shows how a church can be used to further God’s kingdom.
There are many who want to observe Jesus, but few who will believe in Him. In this sermon on John 12:23 titled “Father, Glorify Your Name,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the difference and shows how the glory of salvation is revealed in the cross of Jesus Christ. The Greeks, just like so many today, only approached Jesus in wanting to observe Him. They came with wrong motives and wrong reasons, and like contemporary culture, but they do not desire to understand His teaching or follow His example. Like a curious child, they look upon His death with inquisitive eyes and investigative hearts. But Jesus can only be known, loved, and experienced by direct interaction with His death. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that at the heart of Christianity is the sacrifice of Christ in the sinner’s place. The central mission, purpose, and message of Jesus is found in His dying since there is no hope of salvation unless the seed falls into the ground and the Son of Man is lifted up before all. It is His death on the cross that demonstrates the glory of salvation. One must see the absolute necessity of the cross and His death. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reveals that the death of Christ on the cross reveals the glory of the Father and is the basis for Jesus’s prayer: “Father, glorify your name.”
How does the Bible describe the folly of sinful people? While many today claim that to reject God and His revelation is to become enlightened, the Bible denounces unbelief as spiritually bankrupt and foolish. In this sermon on Isaiah 40:18–24 titled “To Whom then Will Ye Liken God?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches the biblical truth that those who reject God inevitably fashion an idol of their own making; whether it is politics, money, power, or fame, everybody worships something. The question is not: “do you worship something?” But the question is: “what do you worship?” The Bible calls all idols what there are: lifeless images that cannot save in the time of need. They are deaf, dumb, blind, and mute. But the God of Scripture is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He hears the prayers of His people and saves them from their sins. God has not abandoned humanity in the midst of their idol worship and spiritual rebellion, but has sent Jesus Christ into the world to die for sinners. Jesus has come and died so that all who believe in Him would not perish but live as children of God. The sermon calls all to forsake their idols and worship the true and living God in His Son, Jesus Christ.
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