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What is the meaning and value of life? Is there a greater purpose than just what can be seen? In the sermon “The Living God,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones opens Acts 7:37–38 and explains the various ways people rationalize life. Some say humanity should be understood in terms of economics and materialism. Others accept a philosophical and rationalistic view that exalts intellect and scholarship. According to Dr. Lloyd-Jones, whatever specific teaching one holds to, they all have one thing in common: they reject what God’s word says about humanity and how they are to live. These theories reject the idea that God has spoken, and His word commands all to be holy and to love their neighbors as themselves. For only by starting with God’s revelation can one understand what God designed people to be. This is why modern humanity is wasting time seeking to solve the world’s problems apart from God. Forgiveness can never be found, guilt can never be erased, and hope can never be secured apart from Christ. But when one looks to God’s word, they see their sin and great need for forgiveness. In God’s word, the truth is seen that Jesus died for sinners and that in believing on His name all can be washed from sin and freed from unbelief.
Is God in charge of every detail? He is sovereign over the universe, but what about on a moment-by-moment level? In the sermon “But God was With Him,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains from Genesis to Revelation how God is at work on every level. This is true in the case of Abraham and the patriarchs as described all throughout the Old Testament. God is not abstract and above history, but He is very present in the world. He is actively working to bring about His great plan for the world. What is His plan? It is nothing less than the salvation of all who believe though the death, burial, and resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. God loves the world and He has acted through his Son to redeem it. Apart from His atoning work, there is no hope of salvation. Human effort cannot erase the guilt of sin or impress the holy God. The only hope for the world is not in human efforts or schemes, but in God who has acted in the world through his Son and the gospel. It is this gospel alone that is the power of God to save and redeem. It is by God’s actions that the world will be redeemed, not by human ingenuity and creativity. The church of today must proclaim this glorious truth of God and His plan and power to save through Christ Jesus.
In this sermon on John 3:8 titled “O God. Thou Art My God (1),” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches about the difference between Christianity and religion. He communicates that though religion might look good outwardly, the true Christian will have an inward transformation as well. This inward transformation takes place through the power of the Spirit who goes where He wishes. There is no point, preaches Dr. Lloyd-Jones, in hyper-analyzing where the Spirit comes and goes. Rather, Christians must simply have faith that God will do what He wishes, and what He wishes is best. Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches about the importance of the inward transformation of a person who is truly a believer in Christ. A believer recognizes that faith is not religion, but founded rather in the truth and character of God. In this sermon, Dr. Lloyd-Jones argues that the greatest enemies of the church are religion and philosophy. These infrastructures contain many people and convince them that their participation and activity is what merits them eternal life. Rather, it is repentance and faith in Christ that brings life. He preaches also that when a person truly longs for God, books do not satisfy them. Books may show them how to further revel in God’s glory, but the true person of God must live a life of submission to Him.
How does the Bible describe the folly of sinful people? While many today claim that to reject God and His revelation is to become enlightened, the Bible denounces unbelief as spiritually bankrupt and foolish. In this sermon on Isaiah 40:18–24 titled “To Whom then Will Ye Liken God?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches the biblical truth that those who reject God inevitably fashion an idol of their own making; whether it is politics, money, power, or fame, everybody worships something. The question is not: “do you worship something?” But the question is: “what do you worship?” The Bible calls all idols what there are: lifeless images that cannot save in the time of need. They are deaf, dumb, blind, and mute. But the God of Scripture is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He hears the prayers of His people and saves them from their sins. God has not abandoned humanity in the midst of their idol worship and spiritual rebellion, but has sent Jesus Christ into the world to die for sinners. Jesus has come and died so that all who believe in Him would not perish but live as children of God. The sermon calls all to forsake their idols and worship the true and living God in His Son, Jesus Christ.
As time has progressed and the world has become more secular, many charge that the gospel is useless, outdated, and has failed despite being given several centuries to flourish and establish itself. In this sermon on 2 Timothy 1:12 titled “The Age of Reason,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers some of the criticisms of the gospel and helps the listener understand how they can formulate a biblical answer that is intellectually and spiritually satisfying. The first difficulty is the definition of the gospel. While many different people will offer to have their own “version” of the gospel, Dr. Lloyd-Jones points to Scripture and reminds that Paul defined the gospel therein. Second, many feel that the gospel has failed. Yet Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds that it has accomplished exactly what it was established to do: to reconcile people to God through faith in Jesus’s atoning sacrifice for their sins. Third, some object that the gospel is of no value because progress has left it far behind. Yet the struggles of people today are no different than they were in the first century — Scripture is still incredibly relevant. So what is the gospel? What is human authority? Does reason have limits? Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones answers these questions and points to why humans need divine revelation and why Scripture is the best answer to problems today.
Is Christianity based on nothing more than myths? In this sermon on Luke 12:54–57 titled “The Blindness of Modern Man,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones confronts this false claim, showing that the message of Christianity is based on the historical facts of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity. The Holy Scriptures attest to this as the inspired revelation of God the Creator Himself. God testified to His existence and attributes in the very creation of the world and providence. Despite all this, humanity rejects Christianity. They claim that it is intellectually shallow, lacks evidence, and that only those who sacrifice their mind can assent to it. However, Dr. Lloyd-Jones teaches that those who reject Christianity do not do so because of intellectual objections, but because of the effects of sin. For while people may be capable of extraordinary feats of science, technology, art, and medicine, they are unable to comprehend spiritual truths unless God opens their hearts and minds to understand the gospel. They are not dumb but blinded by sin. They know that if they come to Christ, they must leave behind their sinful ways and give all to Christ. No one is capable of leaving behind a life of sin and rebellion unless God in His grace enlightens their hearts and minds so that they can see the truth of the gospel.
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