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How does a Christian look into the unknown of eternity without fear, and also with special longing? There are no shortcuts in Christianity. “You can never arrive at the result without going through the process,” preaches Dr. Lloyd-Jones. Listen to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones as he preaches this sermon on 2 Corinthians 5:17 about taking a serious perspective in looking at humanity’s current situation. Christianity does not change circumstances — it changes the person. This is something done to humans by God as they cannot make the necessary discoveries. In this sermon, the most urgent questions will be answered and the listener will consider humanity in a new way. The listener is challenged to consider the souls of humanity and stop thinking after the knowledge, authority, and ability of the flesh. The whole of creation is divided based on the individual’s relationship to God; nothing else divides. Do not miss the benefits and blessings of this gospel and be transformed with this new nature that changes everything.
Is it possible to be confident and filled with a sense of assurance about the state of the Christian church today? The Apostle Paul had great confidence and certainty in the faithfulness of God as he wrote to the church in Corinth: “God is faithful.” Do Christians desire the assurance that Paul seems to have in his writings? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches this sermon as an introduction to 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 so that the listener may be helped and strengthened both at the current state of the Christian church, and in evaluating the manner in which Christians live. Dr. Lloyd-Jones asserts that Paul’s confidence is based upon the fact that he knows that salvation is entirely of God. Paul did not have confidence in the Corinthians or himself, but in God and His grace alone. It is God who calls His people up from spiritual death into His salvation. The Christian has been called and quickened by God and can have confidence today knowing that it is God who calls, confirms, and keeps each Christian because He never starts something without finishing it.
Why is it so dangerous to deny the physical and bodily resurrection of believers? There were those in the early church who denied this doctrine. This is one of the reasons that the apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Corinthians, to dissuade them of this great error. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 15:12 titled “A Complete Redemption,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that without the resurrection, there is no hope. It is only in the resurrection that Christ completes the redemption that He began on the cross, and it is only by the bodily resurrection that death will finally be conquered and vanquished. Jesus died to not only save souls, but also to redeem the whole world from the bondage and corruption of sin. By resurrecting the bodies of those that believe, this corruption that began with the sin of Adam is removed. It is a lie of the devil that says Christ will not complete the salvation that He began. This resurrection is no mere spiritual event as some have claimed. The bodily resurrection means that Jesus perfectly saves all those that repent and believe in His gospel. It means that Jesus alone is Savior and Reconciler between God and sinful man.
How do Christians live in an evil world that opposes God? This is not a new question for Christians, and Paul himself addresses the early church in 2 Corinthians 4:16. Christians must always seek to live according to the gospel and the mission of Christ. In the midst of an evil world, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims, Christians must share the gospel. Christians living in the world must seek to make Christ known in all that they do. And even as Christians are seeking to be a light to the world, the Bible says that believers are still wasting away, but the inward man is being renewed within. Jesus transforms all who believe in Him and makes them holy. In this sermon on 2 Corinthians 4:16, Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches this great truth of the hope of transformation in Christ. This sermon is a call for all to flee sin and come to Jesus, for Jesus alone can transform sinful bodies of death by making all things new. Only Jesus can make whole again and give true and lasting peace with the light of the knowledge of the glory of God.
What is the power of Christianity? The Bible is clear that it is not human wisdom or ingenuity, nor is it found in anything that people do. The power of the gospel is found in Jesus Christ alone. When Paul came to the Corinthians, he says that he came preaching Christ and Him crucified. By preaching in the power of Christ, the Christian shares the light of the knowledge of the glory of God and not their own efforts. When Christ is preached, Christians preach the only hope for this world because God can only be known through His Son. In this sermon on 2 Corinthians 4:1–6, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones tells of the great need for Christ, and that it is Christ alone who can make the world right. Jesus alone is the power of God to save sinners and bring them to God. This sermon forces the question: do I know God? Do I seek to glorify God above all things? For there is no greater need than to know God and to know that all sins are forgiven. This gospel is the only true and lasting hope in this world, and it is this hope that Jesus gives.
Saul of Tarsus had a dramatic encounter with the risen Lord on the road to Damascus, and he was never the same afterward. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 15:8–11 titled “The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones makes the case that Christians go through a remarkably similar process in their own conversions. There is much to be learned of the Christian faith from the life and writings of the apostle Paul, formerly Saul of Tarsus. In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul highlights his own conversion to show that the gospel he preaches is the same gospel he received. Dr. Lloyd-Jones maintains that this is the same gospel that has transformed individuals throughout the history of the church, and continues to transform lives even today. The process is that God seeks out people, makes Himself known to them, and shows them the way of salvation. Christian conversion is completely dependent upon the power of the grace of God. By the grace of God, a Christian can say, “I was…but I am.” Dr. Lloyd-Jones challenges his audience to consider the conviction of sin, repentance, and rebirth.
What is the hope for humanity? It was once believed civilization would bring a utopian society. The world developed around the idea that philosophy, education, knowledge, culture, and housing would create harmony among humans. On the contrary, civilizations have produced greater and more violent wars. Civilization has ended not in utopia, but failure. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 3:11 tilted “The Right Foundation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explores divisions in the Corinthian church. Unity is threatened as a popularity contest ensues. The apostle Paul is compelled to deal with the problem as it affects the cross. The Corinthian problem is found in their cracked foundation. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that if the foundation is not right, nothing is right. The right foundation deals with two fundamental questions. First, who is man? And second, who is God? The right foundation is laid, not by humans, but by God in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Without this foundation, life becomes completely meaningless, descending into chaos and division. What is the problem with humanity? The answer is not the lack of education, politics, or culture. The human problem is that humanity has built its own foundation on sand. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones proclaims Jesus Christ alone as the adequate foundation.
One must ask themselves if they are wise by worldly standards and if they understand life’s fundamental issues. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 3:18–20 titled “The Wisdom of the World,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses worldly wisdom in light of Paul’s words to the Corinthians. The world has rejected the gospel for centuries, and its rejection of the gospel is nothing new. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a complete contrast to what humans think of themselves by nature. Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches that humanity always seeks to advance itself and improve itself. The gospel, in contrast, knows that humankind needs rebirth, and this must be done by the Spirit. The gospel cannot be changed or modified, since it is perfect and complete in every way. The fundamental problem with humankind’s solutions, Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches, is that humankind’s solutions originate in the human mind. God’s solution transcends human reason and offers the only hope for humanity’s salvation. Dr. Lloyd-Jones mentions that H.G. Wells, a popular author and philosopher, had his own philosophical solutions, but still was devastated by the reality of World War II, and extremely destitute at the end of his life. A person can only be made wise after admitting they are a fool.
Believing there is no need for a savior is the greatest idol of all; it is the idol of self-satisfaction. The Bible declares that there are none who are righteous, not even one. As one faces the holiness of God, one finds themselves unsatisfied and deeply in need of change. Where, in this chaotic world, do sinners find hope? In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 6:9–11 titled “The Reality of Sin,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that the gospel of Jesus Christ provides real hope. Too often, Christians focus on curing the symptoms of sin, but ignore the disease. They view Jesus as a helper, a mere counselor. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that the hope of the Corinthian Christians was much more: they were washed. These early believers were sick with sin. The gospel did not merely treat symptoms; the gospel addressed the whole person. The gospel dealt with the disease. They were washed and changed. All today are sick with sin and need to be washed, sanctified, and set apart. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones not only exposes sin, but points the listener to the power provided in Jesus’s name. Through the power of the gospel, all may be changed. Christians were once dead in their sins, but they have been washed clean.
Many today believe that society has progressed beyond their need for the Bible. Through education, culture, art, and sophistication, they believe that humanity has found hope beyond the brokenness. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 6:9–11 titled “The Unrighteous Shall not Inherit,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones points out that the Bible deals with real life. The sins of today are no different than the sins of ancient Corinth. Today, sin has been normalized. What the Bible calls wicked, the modern world justifies. Fornication is excused. Adultery is condoned in some situations. Homosexuality has been declared right. Lying is tolerated. Everything is considered relative. Some believe moral teaching is the hope. Jesus did not merely come to give exhortations. Others believe training is the hope. No amount of education can correct the human heart. Human hope is not in ability, cleverness, or wealth. Studying 1 Corinthians 6:9–11, Dr. Lloyd-Jones examines the problem of sin and its remedy. Humans are unrighteous by nature and what matters is righteousness. Do not be deceived. The need for humanity is to be washed, sanctified, and justified. This is the timeless message of Christianity. Jesus has come to save humanity from sin so they can inherit the kingdom of God. He died for their transgressions and was raised for their justification.
The Apostle Paul’s most famous chapter on love is often praised for its poetic beauty and aesthetics. But should we reduce 1 Corinthians 13 to ornate language and mere sentimentality? Should we instead tremble at Paul’s love chapter? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones suggests the latter. The Scriptures are clear about the danger of drifting and it is possible, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones, for a person to think they are Christian when they are in fact not a Christian at all. Therefore, they must examine themselves. But because the heart is deceitful due to sin, one must examine themself in the right way – the true way, and 1 Corinthians 12:31–13:3 is a passage for true self-examination. Dr. Lloyd-Jones argues that Paul is dealing with a church that has put its hope in what they do – miracles, tongues, healings – rather than the most important fact that they are Christians through the new birth. Dr. Lloyd-Jones warns that people can perform extraordinary works and yet not be born again. He says all works of intellect, sacrifice, speaking, gifts to the poor, and general kindness can be counterfeit by sinful people and the devil himself. But there is one proof which cannot be counterfeit, and that is love. True love from the heart manifested outwardly cannot be falsified because God’s nature is love, and the Christian partakes in that divine nature through the new birth. The Christian should test themself according to the sure and true Word of God.
What is salvation? Many see salvation as nothing more than doing good works; others think salvation is merely about being a part of a church. But in this sermon on 2 Corinthians 5:21, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the true nature of salvation as found in Scripture. He says that salvation is not about works or anything one does, but it is a matter wholly of God’s grace. People cannot do anything to save themselves apart from God’s grace in Jesus Christ. Humanity’s sin is the ultimate problem in life and is the source of all evil and suffering in this world. This great evil cannot be overcome by social change or good works, but it can only be overcome by the power of God in the gospel. There is no hope apart from the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. While salvation may be impossible for humans, nothing is impossible with God.
Why has humanity long rejected the truth and wisdom of God? It is because of the arrogance of humanity. People have always wanted to find truth for themselves, just as when Adam reached for the fruit. In the same way, modern people open a philosophy textbook. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:21 titled “The World by Wisdom Knew not God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones warns of the dangers of searching for truth apart from Christ. In Corinth, false teachers were denying the miraculous events of the Bible, saying that they cannot be true because they seem unreasonable. They wanted to view Christ as a good teacher rather than as God and Savior. People continually reject the wisdom of God that is revealed in the Bible, nature, and all of history. They turn to their own brain instead of relying on the all-knowing, all-powerful God of the Bible.
What is the only hope for the world? In this sermon on 2 Corinthians 4:1–6 titled “A World in Darkness,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that the only hope for the world is not modern science or learning, nor is it politics and philosophy; it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Only this message of true salvation and forgiveness of sins can bring hope to a world that is in darkness and rebellion against God. The Bible says that all who are born in sin are born in ignorance and blind to the truth of God. Because of this blindness, people are content to sin and live a life that is wholly opposed to God and His righteousness. How then can sinners be saved if they are blind? It is only by grace that anyone can be set free from darkness and come to know God. This is the glory of the gospel: God saves sinners by giving His Son to pay the wages of sin. There is no other way of salvation than to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. This sermon asks everyone the question: “have you believed in this gospel?”
If ever there was a time to go back to the first principles of Christianity, it is now. While there are still parts of the Christian faith that pervade Western culture to this day, it can hardly be doubted that the majority of people are not familiar with the basic message of the faith. Paul likewise did not take it for granted that the church at Corinth needed to be reminded of the foundational principles. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones challenges the contemporary church’s preoccupation with the world instead of these first principles. In his sermon on 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Dr. Lloyd-Jones lays out the basic content of the gospel. He asks fundamental questions which need to be asked regularly, especially in a biblically illiterate culture: what is Christianity all about and what is the content of the church’s message? Lloyd-Jones follows the biblical text closely, bringing out the central aspects of the gospel: God’s holiness and wrath, sin, Christ’s substitutionary death, resurrection, salvation, and forgiveness.
What authority comes with the gospel? What authority did the apostles have to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ? In this sermon on 2 Corinthians 4:1–6 titled “The Authority of the Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the authority of Scripture and how God uses His word to command the church to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. The gospel is not the product of clever human reasoning or philosophy. It is the work of Jesus Christ that is revealed in holy Scripture. No one can find it by searching for it, but they can only know the gospel because God has graciously chosen to reveal it through His revelation. This is why the church of modern times must be like the apostles and proclaim the gospel to all; they must share the good news that Jesus has died for sinners and rose from the grave for their justification. This sermon calls all to examine themselves to see if they have believed in this message of salvation from sins. There is no other way to be saved than by believing in Jesus Christ.
How can the Christian face any and all trials that may come in this life? In this sermon on 2 Corinthians 5:1 titled “The Bible and Death,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd tells how Christianity is not a vague spirit and religion but that it must be taught. He shares the reason for both preaching and listening to the gospel of Christ. The Bible alone causes people to truly face the question of death. Nothing is as absolutely certain as death. Every person that lives is born to die. “Here is the one question and the one answer which can never be corrected,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones says. Christianity is not speculation, but it is a revelation from God. Paul is simply an ambassador for Christ; this is not a human idea. Christians are merely representatives of God. Other philosophies and religions have no answer. The incarnation, death, and resurrection of Christ are absolutely essential. The Christian knows when they die in this body that they will be alive unto God. It is only when one knows how to die that they then know how to live. Listen to this sermon to gain this certainty through Christ.
Many people claim to be Christians but they are truly Christ-less. A Christian is one who has received and believed in Christ, one who has fellowship with Him, and one who is waiting for His return. Christ came to bear witness to the truth. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:4–9 titled “The Testimony of Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the testimony of Christ and the importance of foundational principles. What did Christ have to testify about? The question of the person of Christ is crucial – two natures in one flesh, God’s own son. No one is their own, and they have no right to do what they want with themselves. They have been rescued by Christ. If anyone has the Son of God, then they have eternal life. This gospel is not simply a theory or personal opinion; it is the testimony of God Himself. It is a tragedy to deny these things. This sermon teaches what Christ says about God and humanity, and the only way of being right before God.
The crucifixion of the Son of God, who the apostle Paul called the Lord of glory, is the most profound paradox in human history. Because it is foolishness to those who are perishing and wisdom to those being saved, it automatically divides the world into two groups. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 2:6–8 titled “The Cross that Divides,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones elaborates on the mystery of the cross and explains why it divides humanity. The great divide the cross creates comes down to the hidden element in the cross and the necessity of divine illumination produced by the Holy Spirit. While the rulers, princes, authorities, and the natural people see only a failed prophet from Nazareth hung on a tree, revelation given by the Holy Spirit gives spiritual eyes to see it is the God-man Jesus Christ dying for sins in order to bring His people to glory. Hear Dr. Lloyd-Jones challenge the people of God to meditate, spend time on, and “survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died”.
The Christian’s hope in Christ radically changes how they see the future. Why is this? In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 13:9–13 titled “Now and Then,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers this question. Christians are new people in Christ. This means that they now live new lives, not focused on the passing things of this world, but on the eternal things of God. Christians can look at the future, not as something dark and mysterious, but they can have hope knowing that Christ reigns over all things and will bring His kingdom to completion. This is not mere escapism, but it is a real hope experienced here and now based on the faithfulness of God. Unbelievers cannot have any true and lasting hope for the future. The best they can have is a blind optimism that cannot really give any hope. This sermon calls all to forsake their sins and look to Jesus who is the hope today and tomorrow. Only by believing in Jesus can anyone have their sins removed and become the children of God. This is the hope for everything in life.
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