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Welcome to the complete audio preaching collection of sermons by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. A Welshman by birth who preached and taught in the Reformed tradition, Dr. Lloyd-Jones delivered over 1,600 sermons during his ministry at Westminster Chapel in London from 1939-1968. Considered today by many evangelical leaders to be one of the greatest preachers of the last century and an authority on biblical truth and the sufficiency of Scripture, these sermons dive deep into the riches of the Word of God. This is the complete

online sermon

archive — delivered in the powerful expository preaching style Dr. Lloyd-Jones was known for and compiled for you by the MLJ Trust in audio sermon format.



The Book of Psalms

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's sermons on the Book of Psalms were delivered at Westminster Chapel in London throughout his ministry there from 1939-1968. These masterful expositions reveal the timeless truths of Scripture through careful examination of key psalms that speak to the human condition and our relationship with God. The series includes an extended exposition of Psalm 1, where Dr. Lloyd-Jones explores humanity's search for true happiness and the stark contrast between the godly and ungodly person. Through vivid biblical imagery of the flourishing tree versus worthless chaff, he demonstrates how genuine satisfaction can only be found in right relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Moving through various psalms, Dr. Lloyd-Jones addresses fundamental questions of human existence: "What is man?" (Psalm 8), "Why do the nations rage?" (Psalm 2), and the fool's denial of God (Psalm 14). His exposition of Psalm 27 ("The Lord is My Light") and Psalm 42 provides profound insight into dealing with spiritual depression and finding strength in God during dark times. The series also includes Dr Lloyd-Jones's timeless treatment of Psalm 107's portrayal of God's steadfast love and deliverance, along with searches of the heart in Psalms 73 and 84. Throughout these sermons, Dr. Lloyd-Jones demonstrates how the Psalms speak to every human condition while pointing to Christ. His careful handling of these inspired verses reveals their lasting relevance for modern believers, showing how they address both the depths of human despair and heights of spiritual joy. Dr. Lloyd-Jones's hope for this series was that listeners would not only understand these inspired texts more clearly, but would be drawn into deeper communion with God through their truth. These sermons combine careful exposition with practical application, theological depth with pastoral wisdom, making them valuable resources for both personal devotion and ministry preparation. They represent some of Dr. Lloyd-Jones's most accessible yet profound teaching on living the Christian life in all its fullness.

(35 sermons)

The Book of Jeremiah

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's sermon series on the book of Jeremiah was delivered at Westminster Chapel in London during his ministry there from 1939-1968. These messages examine the prophet's powerful indictment of spiritual declension and God's faithful call to repentance, providing timeless insights for the modern church. Beginning with Jeremiah 2, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explores the fundamental problem of humanity's departure from God, illustrated through the vivid imagery of forsaking "the fountain of living waters" for broken cisterns that can hold no water (Jeremiah 2:13). Through careful exposition, he demonstrates how this ancient message speaks directly to contemporary society's pursuit of satisfaction apart from God. The series includes an extended treatment of Jeremiah 17:5-8, where Dr. Lloyd-Jones contrasts those who trust in man with those who trust in the Lord. This crucial passage reveals the stark difference between a life built on human resources and one rooted in divine grace. His exposition demonstrates how true spiritual prosperity comes only through complete dependence upon God. Moving through the prophet's message, Dr. Lloyd-Jones addresses themes of spiritual declension, true and false religion, and the nature of genuine repentance. His treatment of Jeremiah 9:23-24 shows how true wisdom and knowledge of God stands in contrast to worldly wisdom. The series culminates in messages on divine healing from sin (Jeremiah 17:14) and God's gracious call to return from backsliding (Jeremiah 31:21). Throughout these sermons, Dr. Lloyd-Jones demonstrates how Jeremiah's message remains remarkably relevant for today's church. The prophet's call to return to God and warning against false religion speaks powerfully to modern spiritual confusion. Dr. Lloyd-Jones's hope for this series was that listeners would not only understand Jeremiah's message more clearly, but would experience genuine spiritual renewal through embracing its truths. These expositions combine careful biblical interpretation with passionate application, theological depth with pastoral wisdom, making them valuable resources for both personal spiritual growth and ministry preparation. They represent some of Dr. Lloyd-Jones's most searching analysis of the human condition and God's remedy in Christ.

(26 sermons)

Newly Found Sermons

We are thrilled to announce that several previously unheard sermons by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones have been discovered and are in the process of being uploaded to our site. These timeless messages have been preserved and are now being shared with the world for the first time in decades.

(16 sermons)

The Book of Romans

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones’s sermon series on the book of Romans were preached to the congregation at Westminster Chapel in the heart of central London on Friday evenings between October 1955 to March 1968. These sermons were preached from the beginning of October until the end of May each year, with breaks being taken for Christmas and Easter. Dr Lloyd-Jones began his ministry at Westminster Chapel in 1938, and his ministry there lasted for thirty years until his retirement in 1968. As such, his Romans sermon series came at the end of his preaching career. Spanning 366 sermons over twelve years, his series on the book of Romans is the longest expositional series Dr Lloyd-Jones ever did. Dr Lloyd-Jones regarded the book of Romans as the ‘first in importance’ among the New Testament epistles. Indeed, it is likely that Dr Lloyd-Jones saw his exposition of the book of Romans as his most important work, as evidenced by the fact that he chose his Romans sermons as the first of his many sermons to be published following his retirement. His official biographer Iain Murray writes; Many hundreds of unrevised manuscript copies of sermons thus existed by 1968, of which, for reasons already noted, comparatively few had appeared in print. He did not hesitate in choosing to put his Romans sermons first for publication in book form, to be followed by those on Ephesians. Dr Lloyd-Jones’s Romans sermons include in depth exposition of passages such as Romans 5:1-5, Romans 8:28, , Romans 8:31-39, Romans 12, Romans 12:9-21, Romans 12:1-2. His hope for this Romans sermon series was that they will ‘not only help Christian people to understand more clearly the great doctrines of our Faith, but that they will also fill them with a joy "unspeakable and full of glory" and bring them into a condition in which they will be "Lost in wonder, love, and praise"’.

(366 sermons)

The Book of John

This landmark collection represents the most extensive exposition of John's Gospel in Dr. Lloyd-Jones's ministry, comprising 262 sermons delivered at Westminster Baptist Church. Why Study the Gospel of John? The fourth Gospel stands distinct from the other Gospels, written by "the disciple whom Jesus loved." John's unique perspective provides intimate insights into Jesus's deity and mission as the Son of God. While the other Gospels focus primarily on events, John emphasizes the meaning behind them. Key Themes Explored: Jesus as the Lamb of God and Son of God The significance of John the Baptist's testimony The seven "I Am" declarations The role of belief and eternal life (John 20:31) Jesus's divine nature and relationship with the Father This sermon series systematically works through the Gospel's core message: that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may have life in His name. Dr. Lloyd-Jones carefully examines why John's account differs from the synoptic gospels and its special role in revealing Christ's deity. Notable Passages Covered: John 1:29-42: The Lamb of God John 3:16: God's love for the world John 14:23-29: The promise of the Holy Spirit John 20: The resurrection appearances Whether you're new to the Bible or a seasoned student of Scripture, this preaching through the Gospel of John offers profound insights into its timeless message. Each sermon combines careful exposition with practical application, helping listeners understand both what John taught and why it matters for faith today. Through these messages, discover why John's Gospel has been cherished throughout church history as one of the clearest presentations of Christ's deity and the gospel message.

(262 sermons)

The Book of Ephesians

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones's major series of 232 sermons on Ephesians covering all 6 chapters of Paul's Epistle, plus a small collection of 5 other Ephesian sermons preached at Westminster Chapel. This lengthy series is a systematic exposition of the epistle that was preached on Sunday mornings between 1954 and 1962, filled with thanksgiving and prayer as Paul intended. Through these messages, Lloyd-Jones explores how Christ's supremacy extends to all things on earth under Christ, as proclaimed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. These sermons on Ephesians delve deep into the rich teachings of the Apostle Paul, exploring spiritual blessings in Christ and the praise of His glory as central themes. Beginning with Ephesians 1, the series examines the profound truths of election, predestination, and redemption through the grace of Christ, while highlighting faith in the Lord Jesus. Drawing from early manuscripts and careful exposition, Lloyd-Jones unpacks the gospel of your salvation and its implications for believers' spiritual inheritance. His systematic teaching helps listeners understand how the immeasurable blessings and riches of spiritual inheritance are already possessed by God's people, leading them to a deeper appreciation of their salvation and calling.

(233 sermons)

Old Testament

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones is primarily known today as a preacher of expository sermons from the books of the Old Testament and New Testament. However, according to Dr. Lloyd-Jones’s wife Bethan, this was not the work that characterized him. That work was evangelism. She once remarked that "no-one will understand my husband who does not know that he was first of all a man of prayer and then an evangelist". Indeed, many of Dr Lloyd-Jones’s evangelistic sermons were sermons from the Old Testament. Most of these sermons were not recorded, however the Old Testament sermons below were preserved in this series of 133 sermons across 15 books of the Old Testament. Through these expository sermons, we explore the rich tapestry of the Old Testament, allowing its teachings to guide us in our Christian walk today. They address questions such as, "What does the Old Testament teach us"? Or more importantly, what does the Old Testament teach about Jesus Christ? It reveals the holiness and righteousness of God, the need for repentance and obedience, and points forward to the ultimate fulfillment of God's promises in Jesus Christ.

(135 sermons)

The Book of Acts

Dr. Lloyd-Jones’s sermon series on the Book of Acts is comprised of 119 sermons, plus 24 other sermons preached at Westminster Chapel on the book of Acts. This series of sermons were preached on Sunday evenings between 1965 and 1968. Together, this Acts sermon series, forms Dr. Lloyd-Jones’s largest collection of evangelistic sermons. Dr. Lloyd-Jones never assumed that everyone in his congregation was converted, so his Sunday night sermons on Acts were geared towards the conversion of non-believers, while also being edifying for believers too. Discover the incredible journey of the early Church as recorded in this remarkable book of Acts and be inspired by the powerful sermons that unveil its profound truths. The Book of Acts charts the incredible account of the early Church and stands as a vibrant and inspired testimony to the growth of the Christian Church. Within these sermons on the Book of Acts, hear of the significance of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the bold preaching of the Gospel, the astonishing spread of Christianity throughout the known world, and much more.

(120 sermons)

Itinerant Preaching

A collection of 85 sermons that Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached between 1957 and 1980 at various churches and colleges; outside of his main ministry at Westminster Chapel.

(89 sermons)

Great Biblical Doctrines

Desiring that his congregation would be more grounded in core biblical doctrines, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones embarked upon this series of 81 sermons on the great doctrines of the Bible in 1952, culminating in May 1955. Indeed, this was the first of his Friday night in depth sermon series that initially took place in an ancillary room at Westminster chapel, London, before moving to the main church building (which seated 2,000 people ) due to capacity restraints. Unfortunately, this audio sermon series is incomplete due to quality issues with the original tapes, and the fact that some tapes were missing. The recorded sermons commence with the ninth sermon in the series, <em>The Eternal Decrees of God</em>. The content of the missing 26 audio sermons, can be found, however, in Dr Lloyd-Jones book, "Great Biblical Doctrines.” Within these sermons, you will encounter the richness and depth of biblical doctrine, exploring a wide range of theological truths that are both awe-inspiring and practical for our daily lives. Dr. Lloyd-Jones’s sermons on Bible doctrine delve into the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith, such as the nature of God, the person and work of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of salvation, the sovereignty of God, sermons on eschatology and so much more. These sermons provide clarity, biblical accuracy, and practical application, enabling you to grasp the significance of these Bible doctrines.

(55 sermons)

Revival Sermons

Hear Dr. Lloyd-Jones preach his landmark sermons on revival from 1959, marking the 100th anniversary of the Welsh Revival of 1859. The subject was so urgent to him that he interrupted his series on Ephesians specifically to preach these messages. These powerful sermons recount how God has worked through revival movements throughout history. Revivals have profoundly shaped Christianity, breathing new life into the Church and igniting transformative movements that have touched communities, nations, and the world. These messages explore the rich legacy of revival, showing how spiritual leaders have sought the outpouring of God's presence and the renewal of His people. Dr. Lloyd-Jones's powerful insights can fuel your own hunger for revival and awaken faith in what God can do. He unpacks the heart of genuine revival—repentance, prayer, holiness, and passionate pursuit of God's presence. You'll discover: What revival truly means spiritually The biblical pattern for revival Three key stages of revival movements How to prepare for and seek revival What happens when God visits His people in power Whether you're longing for personal revival, exploring the history of Christian revivals, or simply hungry for a fresh encounter with God, these messages will guide and inspire you. Revival begins with a surrendered heart, fervent faith, and unwavering commitment to God's Word. As you listen, may your passion for God and His kingdom be rekindled. These sermons equip us to understand revival and pray for God to visit with such power today. The timeless truths Dr. Lloyd-Jones shares remain profoundly relevant for anyone seeking spiritual awakening in our time.

(25 sermons)

Spiritual Depression

This definitive collection of 24 sermons, delivered at Westminster Chapel (1954), represents Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's systematic examination of spiritual and psychological depression through Biblical exposition. Moving beyond his customary verse-by-verse teaching, Lloyd-Jones addressed what he recognized as an undeniable feature of modern Christian experience - the prevalence of spiritual depression among believers. The series originated from a moment of clarity described in his biography: while contemplating Psalm 42:5, Lloyd-Jones perceived a comprehensive framework for addressing this crucial pastoral concern. "I got up one morning, washed and was still half-dressed when quite suddenly that verse came to me, ‘Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God...’ There and then some seven or eight skeletons of sermons came to my mind on the subject of Spiritual Depression. I rushed down to my study to put them on paper and so powerful was the impression that I knew I had to do this series before Ephesians. I am not surprised it was so used. It was a pure gift." (Iain H. Murray, The Fight of Faith, Edinburgh, Banner of Truth, 1990, p. 259) This insight led to what many consider one of the most significant contributions to Christian understanding of depression and anxiety. Core Elements: Biblical analysis of depression's spiritual and psychological dimensions Theological examination of suffering in Christian experience Systematic approach to spiritual renewal and mental health Integration of pastoral care with doctrinal truth Application of Reformed theology to emotional struggles The collection comprises the 14 foundational sermons that formed his seminal work "Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure," supplemented by 10 additional expositions. These messages examine how faith intersects with psychological experience, addressing both theological questions and practical pastoral concerns. Dr. Lloyd-Jones's careful exposition demonstrates how Christian doctrine provides resources for understanding and addressing depression. His approach acknowledges both spiritual and physical factors while maintaining focus on Biblical truth's sufficiency for human suffering. This work remains particularly relevant for contemporary discourse on faith and mental health, offering systematic theological reflection on one of modern society's most pressing concerns. Through careful doctrinal analysis and pastoral application, these sermons provide enduring insight into the relationship between Christian faith and psychological well-being.

(24 sermons)

Sermons: Preaching and Preachers

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’s collection of 16 preaching sermons entitled "Preaching and Preachers" were delivered in 1969 to students at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. The collection also includes 2 Q&A sessions that were held after the 16 preaching sermons. Many notable future pastors attended these sermons on preaching, including the late R. C. Sproul. For seminary students, church leaders, pastors, and curious minds alike, this collection of preaching sermons by Dr. Lloyd-Jones, one of the most famous preachers of the last century, serve as an excellent guide and reminder of the sacred duty of the pastoral role, as well as the powerful spiritual tool preaching sermons can be. At the heart of Dr. Lloyd-Jones’s ministry, is the conviction that preaching the Gospel is a divine mandate—a calling that carries eternal significance. Drawing inspiration from the giants of the past, including famous old preachers whose voices still resonate today, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explores the depths of preaching and preachers that delve into the art, theology, and practice of delivering God's Word with clarity, conviction, and compassion.

(18 sermons)

Face to Face with Christ

An unusual series of 12 sermons in which Dr. Lloyd-Jones uses the Apostle Paul as an example of what happens when an unbeliever comes face to face with the risen Christ. The ‘Doctor’ deals with many controversial issues in the course of this series and provides many helpful answers.

(12 sermons)

Other Sermons

249 sermons ranging across 19 of the books and letters in the New Testament, all preached at Westminster Chapel. Some were preached in short series, others were individual sermons.

(249 sermons)

Sermon Topics

Sermons on Romans 8

The Martyn Lloyd-Jones Trust offers a treasure trove of sermons on the book of Romans, including a series of sermons devoted to chapter 8. In these 75 powerful sermons on Romans 8, Dr. Lloyd-Jones unpacks the profound truths contained in this chapter, which many consider to be one of the greatest passages of the entire Bible. Throughout this series of sermons on Romans 8, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explores the incredible promises of God to those who are in Christ, including the assurance of salvation, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the ultimate victory over sin and death. He also tackles some of the difficult questions raised by this chapter, such as the relationship between predestination and free will. Whether you're a seasoned Bible scholar or a newcomer to the faith, these sermons on Romans 8 can enhance your comprehension of core theology. Gain a deeper understanding of God's love, grace, and mercy as you explore this remarkable chapter through these 75 sermons on Romans 8 by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

(75 sermons)

Sermons on the Armor of God

In this collection of 68 powerful sermons on the armor of God (spelled as Armour of God in some translations), Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones recognized that the Christian life is spiritual warfare, while understanding the whole armor of God is essential for success. In these sermons on the armor of God, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explores each piece of the armor mentioned by the apostle Paul and examines the general principles of spiritual warfare. Including the same sermons on the armor of God that composed Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ book, "The Christian Warfare: An Exposition of Ephesians 6:10-13", he also addresses the character and tactics of the devil, and how discouragement, anxiety, false zeal, lack of assurance, and worldliness come under the heading of "the wiles of the devil." Understanding the nature of evil and the devil’s tactics is essential for successful Christian living. If you're looking for guidance on how to stand amidst this spiritual war and overcome the wiles of the devil, the MLJ Trust's collection of sermons on the armor of God is an excellent resource. Gain a deeper understanding of this important aspect of Christian theology and equip yourself for the battle ahead. Engage with the Armor of God in Scripture (or Armour of God in Scripture) and gain a deeper understanding of its profound implications for your daily walk as a believer. Learn how to put on the Full Armor of God, immersing yourself in the truth of God's Word, standing firmly in righteousness, and being prepared to share the Gospel of peace. These sermons on the Full Armor of God will equip you with practical strategies for spiritual warfare, empowering you to overcome the attacks of the enemy and live victoriously in Christ. Allow the teachings to inspire you to stand firm, fully clad in the Armor of God, as you navigate the challenges of life and engage in spiritual battles.

(68 sermons)

Sermons on Faith

This collection of 33 sermons on faith follows Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones as he explores the true meaning and necessity of biblical faith. Seeking to answer the question “is true faith more than just blind belief”, in these sermons on faith, Dr. Lloyd-Jones posits that biblical faith is not a generic faith in an idea of God or even salvation, but an absolute trust in the personhood and work of Jesus Christ. The bridge between core theology and practical biblical living, these sermons on faith guide listeners across a range of topics, from a deeper understanding of the eternal gift of grace God extends, to the daily application of faithful Christian living. Tune into one of these 363 sermons on faith to take an inspired look into what it truly means to trust in the Lord — an encounter that can’t help but leave one forever transformed.

(35 sermons)

Christmas Sermons

Over the course of his ministry at Westminster Chapel, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones delivered many Christmas sermons. The Christmas sermons offered here are delivered in the clear, expository preaching style for which Dr. Lloyd-Jones was known and appreciated. The central message of these sermons is the true meaning of Christmas: the Son of God came to the world to rescue sinners.

(31 sermons)

Sermons on Prayer

In this collection of 22 sermons on prayer, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones delves into the vital spiritual discipline of prayer, revealing its profound impact on our relationship with God, effective ministry to those around us, and our own daily lives. Drawing from his extensive biblical knowledge and pastoral wisdom, follow Dr. Lloyd-Jones as he illuminates the importance of heartfelt communication with God, the power of intercession, and the role of persistence in prayer. With clarity and passion, he unravels the many complexities behind the act of conversing with God through these sermons on prayer—ultimately encouraging believers to approach the throne of grace with confidence and expectancy. Including a special compilation episode of Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ many congressional prayers delivered throughout his career as a renowned preacher, we hope this collection of 22 sermons on prayer will inform and encourage your practice of the spiritual discipline of prayer.

(23 sermons)

Sermons on Peace

In this collection of 15 sermons on peace, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones invites the listener to find lasting, unshakable peace with God. From worries of the world to concerns of the church and one’s own righteousness, these sermons on peace provide a soft and stable place to rest in the presence of the Holy Spirit, as Dr. Lloyd-Jones recalls what the kingdom of God is about: peace. With the very purpose of salvation itself being to have peace with God, in these sermons on peace, Dr. Lloyd-Jones affirms that Christ’s is a gospel that spreads to having peace with ourselves and one another. That true peace, both with God and each other, is a natural byproduct of living in harmony with the Holy Spirit — regardless of situation or circumstance. Listen to these 140 sermons on peace as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones points the believer towards the Prince of Peace, Himself: Jesus Christ.

(14 sermons)

Christian Living

Seeking to deepen your faith and live out your Christian convictions? In this thought-provoking compilation of 12 sermons on Christian living, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones delves into various aspects of Christian living, addressing topics such as prayer, faith, obedience, spiritual gifts, and the power of the Holy Spirit. With insights grounded in biblical truth, Dr. Lloyd-Jones offers practical advice on how to navigate the challenges of daily life while remaining faithful to Christ. Discussing themes like the importance of spiritual growth, and how to experience the fullness of God in your life, these 12 sermons on Christian living solve the timeless questions believers face of "how can I grow?" and "what should I be doing?" Whether you are a new believer seeking guidance or a seasoned Christian desiring a fresh perspective, these sermons on Christian living can help you to lead a life of purpose and devotion to Christ.

(12 sermons)

Sermons on the Gospel

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones is renowned for his masterful preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In his sermons on the gospel, he highlights the essential elements of the message of salvation through Christ. He emphasizes the gravity of sin, the need for repentance, and the centrality of faith in Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation. This is a collection of those very same 10 sermons on the gospel where Dr. Lloyd-Jones expounds on the atonement, the resurrection, and the promise of eternal life. Through his sermons on the gospel, Dr. Lloyd-Jones offers a comprehensive presentation of the core beliefs of Christianity. He demonstrates how the gospel is not just an abstract concept, but a living reality that continues to transform individuals, families, and societies. His sermons on the gospel are both evangelistic and edifying, aimed at leading people to salvation and building up believers in their faith. For anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the gospel or desiring to share it more effectively with others, these 10 sermons on the gospel by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones are essential listening, packed with biblical insight and spiritual wisdom.

(11 sermons)

Sermons on Knowledge

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones' sermons on knowledge address a crucial aspect of the Christian faith: the importance of true knowledge. In a time when information is plentiful but true wisdom is scarce, Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds us in this collection of 10 sermons on knowledge that the Bible teaches that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Without a proper understanding of God and His sovereignty, we cannot truly understand the world around us or live fulfilling lives. Dr. Lloyd-Jones' sermons on knowledge explore the various aspects of this topic, from the difference between knowledge and wisdom to the dangers of false knowledge. He shows us how the pursuit of knowledge can be a spiritual endeavor that deepens our relationship with God and equips us to live out our faith in the world. Through these 10 sermons on knowledge, we can gain a greater appreciation for the power of true knowledge and the importance of seeking it in our lives.

(10 sermons)

Sovereignty of God

There is a profound truth that God is in absolute control over all things. But what does that mean for the Christian pilgrim in a fallen world? This collection of 9 sermons on the sovereignty of God by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones seeks to answer that question through the timeless wisdom of one of the greatest Christian preachers of the 20th century. With eloquence and deep theological understanding, Dr. Lloyd-Jones tackles the complexities surrounding the sovereignty of God, addressing questions that have perplexed believers for centuries. Through his compelling sermons on the sovereignty of God, he invites readers to explore the depths of God's power and authority—grappling with topics such as divine providence, human responsibility, predestination, and the tension between God's will and human freedom.

(9 sermons)

Sermons on Unbelief

In this collection of 8 sermons on unbelief, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines the topic of unbelief and its consequences. He highlights that unbelief is not a lack of evidence or intellectual skepticism, but rather a moral and spiritual problem that originates in the heart. The root of unbelief, Dr. Lloyd Jones posits in his sermons on unbelief, is a refusal to accept God's authority and a desire to live independently of Him. These sermons on unbelief follow Dr. Lloyd-Jones as he argues that unbelief is not a neutral state, but an active rebellion against God — leading to a distorted view of reality and a hopeless future. The solution, he offers, is to address the root of the problem by offering forgiveness and reconciliation with God. This collection of 8 sermons on unbelief challenges the listener to examine their own hearts and motivations and to consider the consequences of unbelief. It provides a clear presentation of the Gospel and its power to transform lives.

(8 sermons)

Sermons on the Kingdom of God

What is the kingdom of God and how does one enter into it? Does the kingdom of God reign on earth, as it does in the hearts of christians? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers these questions and more in this 8 sermon series on the kingdom of God. In this collection, Dr. Lloyd-Jones delves into the biblical teachings on the kingdom of God, providing a comprehensive understanding of its nature and purpose. He addresses the Christian call to spread the gospel to all nations, the fallacy of social reform, and what the true manifestation of the kingdom of God looks like amongst other topics. Discover the wisdom and truth that Dr. Lloyd-Jones has to offer in these 8 sermons on the kingdom of God, and gain a deeper understanding of this central aspect of Christian theology, as he explores how the kingdom of God relates to the church, to individuals, and to the world at large.

(8 sermons)

Sermons on Authority

We live in a world where authority is in crisis. This collection of 7 sermons on authority by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones provides a biblical perspective on this important topic. Dr. Lloyd-Jones recognizes that authority is a fundamental issue in our society today. In a society where authority is viewed with suspicion, often the authority of the Bible has been called into question also. Furthermore, when the church loses its sense of divine authority, a disordered and dehumanized society has been the result. In this collection of sermons on authority, Dr. Lloyd-Jones challenges these issues and shows that the only road to recovery is to reassert the divine authority of Christ, His Word, and His Spirit. Including the sermons that went on to form Dr. Lloyd-Jones book, Authority, these sermons provide a simple solution to this crisis of the church and society. Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones faces this issue head on and discusses how authority operates within the church, the divine authority of Scripture, the gospel, and the Holy Spirit, and how Christians can approach the issue of authority in their personal lives.

(7 sermons)

Sermons on Repentance

This collection of 6 sermons on repentance by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones provides a valuable resource for anyone seeking guidance on the subject of repentance. Repentance is the starting point of the Christian life, and that without it, there can be no genuine conversion or spiritual growth. In these sermons on repentance, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explores the biblical definition of repentance and its importance in the life of a believer. He emphasizes the need for a deep and sincere repentance that involves turning away from sin and a turning towards God. Through these sermons on repentance, you will gain a greater understanding of the nature of sin and the true meaning of salvation. You will also learn how to cultivate a heart that is open to God's conviction and willing to submit to His will. If you're seeking a deeper relationship with God and a life free from the bondage of sin, this collection of sermons on repentance is an invaluable resource. Gain insight and inspiration from one of the greatest preachers of the 20th century.

(6 sermons)

Tributes to Dr. Lloyd-Jones

In this special collection by MLJ Trust, we honor the profound impact of the Welsh minister in these three tributes to Dr. Lloyd Jones. Including a special memorial sermon and messages delivered by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ eldest daughter and son-in-law, these tributes to Dr. Lloyd Jones pay homage to his legacy as a revered preacher and theologian. Join us in celebrating his unwavering commitment to biblical truth and his deep insights into Scripture. Through this series of tributes to Dr. Lloyd Jones, we honor his remarkable contributions to Christianity, and offer a glimpse into the depth of his spiritual wisdom and personal life. Remember and commemorate the life and teachings of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, a luminary whose influence continues to shape and uplift lives.

(4 sermons)

Sermons on Wisdom

Discover the keys to decision-making, discernment, and the art of godly living through this collection of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones' timeless sermons on wisdom. Delving deep into biblical text and what it means to be truly wise, these sermons on wisdom offer a treasure trove of spiritual insights that can shape your life for years to come. Fixing godly wisdom as the centerpiece, these powerful and engaging sermons on wisdom unravel the secrets to living a wise, righteous, and purposeful life in today's complex world. While masterfully blending spiritual truths with the authority of scripture in these sermons on wisdom, Dr. Lloyd-Jones discusses the fallacy of trusting worldly wisdom over God’s, and the profound spiritual guidance we can find through Scripture and the Holy Spirit for navigating life’s challenges.

(3 sermons)

Welcome to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’s collection of major sermons, designed to bring you closer to the powerful preaching of Dr. Lloyd-Jones through convenient access to sermon audio and online sermons.