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The Book of Ephesians


Series Summary

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones's major series of 232 sermons on Ephesians covering all 6 chapters of Paul's Epistle, plus a small collection of 5 other Ephesian sermons preached at Westminster Chapel. This lengthy series is a …


Sermon of


The Wisdom of God

Volume 3 Ephesians 3:10

What is the greatest manifestation of the wisdom of God? In this sermon on the manifold wisdom of God from Ephesians 3:10 titled “The Wisdom of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones points to the church. The church, that is Christianity and the salvation that it proclaims, is the greatest manifestation of God’s wisdom ever witnessed. Even the angels in Heaven see it and are amazed. It is this manifestation of God’s wisdom that Dr. Lloyd-Jones discusses first in a series of three propositions from this text. His second proposition is that the church is the median through which the variegated wisdom of God shines like light through a prism into its many beautiful colors. From these two propositions, Dr. Lloyd-Jones dives deeper and gives two conclusions to be considered. First, consider that the church was a part of God’s plan for His creation from the very beginning, not an afterthought as some believe. Second, consider that the church is not temporary as some have suggested, but is the final expression of God’s people on earth. Dr. Lloyd-Jones’s third and final proposition from this text is the consideration of how God has shown His wisdom throughout history. Dr. Lloyd-Jones encourages believers to meditate on and consider God’s wisdom through the ages, in the Bible and in all of history, and most importantly, to consider the greatest manifestation of His wisdom, salvation through Christ.

Prayer; Boldness and Access

Volume 3 Ephesians 3:12

In this sermon on Ephesians 3:12 titled “Prayer: Boldness and Access,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the privilege and importance of prayer. The apostle Paul makes the point that Christians have access to God in prayer through Christ and can come with boldness and confidence. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also shows the importance of doctrine and practicing in one’s prayer life. If Christians focus on doctrine only, they will miss the point. But if all doctrine is abandoned and one simply hopes to “practice,” then the point is missed again. Rather one must know what God says about the Christian life, prayer, and faith in Christ and then apply those things in practice. How can one expect to come to God with boldness if they do not first understand how? Christians can boldly approach the throne of grace in prayer through faith in Christ; He has made the way. He is the access to God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones gives two principles to think about in prayer life. First, when coming to God in prayer, Christians must not rely on feelings, mood, or state of being to inform how to pray or if they pray at all. They must realize that these can be tools used by the devil to keep the Christian from prayer, to plague them with doubts, and remind of their sins. Secondly, Christians must preach to themselves. They must remind themselves over and over of the truths of Scripture. They must remind themselves in the throes of doubt that Christ is the redeemer and mediator. He is faithful to forgive and the Christian can boldly approach God in prayer through Him. Dr. Lloyd-Jones concludes with this great reminder, “Draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you.”

Seeking to Comprehend

Volume 3 Ephesians 3:19

This sermon is for those who long to have a close relationship with God and perhaps have noticed that the pursuit of worldly things fails to provide any lasting peace or joy. In this sermon on Ephesians 3:19 titled “Seeking to Comprehend,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches this sermon from Paul’s letter and shows how one can get to this point of intimacy they desire so strongly. First, they must pray without ceasing for themselves that God would strengthen their inner self according to His glorious might and power. This is especially important because as one actively seeks to know God more, they will become targets of Satan. It is essential that one prays for strength to persevere through the attacks that Jesus promised will come their way as they follow Him. Second, in order to know Him intimately, one must seek the Lord Himself, not just ideas about Him. Even for Christians, it is easy today to reduce a relationship with God to an abstract, intellectual concept. This, however, will not lead to intimacy. Third, one must seek His love. However, Dr. Lloyd-Jones also has a warning — the Christian must never think of their relationship with God as something where they will always get the desired results as long as they push the right buttons. This is not true in the spiritual life because the Christian is dealing with a relationship, not a mechanical robot. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains how one can avoid this pitfall and how they can know God on a deep level.
