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The Book of Ephesians


Series Summary

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones's major series of 232 sermons on Ephesians covering all 6 chapters of Paul's Epistle, plus a small collection of 5 other Ephesian sermons preached at Westminster Chapel. This lengthy series is a …


Sermon of


Practice Rooted in Doctrine

Volume 5 Ephesians 4:17

Can an unbeliever apply the Scripture? Certainly there are general moral principles that someone could attempt, but in this sermon on Ephesians 4:17 titled “Practice Rooted in Doctrine,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that Christians must follow the example of Paul and never present the application of Scripture as mere morality disconnected from the salvation required to implement it. When morality that is not grounded in the doctrine and narrative of Scripture is preached, only abstract laws and regulations have been offered. This leads to legalism and self-righteousness because people reduce Christianity to a mere list of actions. This, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones, is a broad road that leads to destruction. The proper way to teach the Bible is to ground all application in the doctrine of transformation taught in the Scripture. This is to place morality in the context of who God is and what he has done in Christ Jesus on the cross for salvation. It is to see the Christian life not in terms of what is done first and foremost, but in terms of what God has done. Sanctification flows from this right understanding of the doctrine of salvation by showing the place of works in light of God’s gracious gift of salvation. For all that trust in God and in His Son Christ Jesus have been made a new people that are to seek holiness and a true knowledge of God.

Communicating with Others

Volume 5 Ephesians 4:29

Why is one’s speech important? What do the words used portray about who one is? In this sermon on Ephesians 4:29 titled “Communicating with Others,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones instructs on the importance of speaking in a way that brings honor and glory to God. Speech is one of the primary characteristics that sets people apart from the animals. Thus, it is no surprise that since it is one of the most precious gifts, it is also one of the most misused. Scripture is clear in teaching that people express who they are through the words they use: “Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). Paul’s point in this passage is this: one’s speech should be completely different from the speech of those who are not Christians. Their speech is characterized, he says, by excess, an obsession with self, worthlessness, and corruption. Yet Christians are called to proclaim a gospel that is totally opposed to these ideals and their speech should reflect that. Additionally, Paul says, what one says should be characterized by being appropriate for the situation and for those who are present— the goal is to “impart grace to the hearers.” Dr. Lloyd Jones says that the Christian must think of their words and opportunities to bless others. As C.S. Lewis famously said, “we have never met a mere mortal.” Everyone the Christian talks with will spend eternity somewhere, and it is the Christian’s responsibility to lovingly reflect people to Jesus.

Grieve Not the Holy Spirit

Volume 5 Ephesians 4:30

What does it mean to “grieve the Holy Spirit?” In this sermon on grieving the Holy Spirit from Ephesians 4:30, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones speaks of Paul’s statement that encompasses all the particulars that he had been talking about in the preceding verses. Importantly, it also serves to differentiate Christian ethics from any other ethical tradition. If a Christian’s morality is not rooted in this purpose and understanding of sinning against God, then it is not Christian at all. Paul’s point is this: any wrong living grieves the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is the seal of the Christian’s inheritance and indwells those who are saved. All sin runs counter to the character of God and grieves Him greatly. Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that when one becomes a Christian, their relationship to God becomes one of love instead of one as a lawbreaker. Thus, when one sins, they must not be grieved because they have broken His law, but rather because they have sinned against His great love for them. Understanding this, it is easy to see why it is such a serious thing to sin and grieve the Holy Spirit. How can this be countered? Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that the Christian must constantly be aware of the Lord’s presence. As people are reverent around royalty, Christians must remember that God is constantly with them and act accordingly. This will drive them to a desire to honor and please Him with their lives.