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The Book of Ephesians


Series Summary

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones's major series of 232 sermons on Ephesians covering all 6 chapters of Paul's Epistle, plus a small collection of 5 other Ephesian sermons preached at Westminster Chapel. This lengthy series is a …


Sermon of


The Atoning Work of Christ

Volume 5 Ephesians 5:2

Christians often talk about the atoning death of Christ when in conversation about spiritual things. It is often mentioned regarding its relation to salvation. However, is it possible that it could mean even more? What is the impact it is supposed to have on the rest of one’s life? In this sermon on Ephesians 5:2 titled “The Atoning Work of Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones instructs on how this verse and Christ’s atonement apply to the lives of believers even after they are saved. The Scriptures are never satisfied with a mere general statement about the love of God— as this verse demonstrates, God’s love is specifically written about in the Bible because the specific acts of God demonstrate His love. A person’s conduct is determined by their doctrine. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds that “as a man thinks, so is he.” Thus, one’s view of the doctrine of Christ’s atonement will have consequences for the Christian walk. In Christ’s atonement, one gains a clear example of the love of God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out that the measure to which one understands God’s love will be the measure to which they show it to others. Paul specifically exhorts loving others as Christ loved them, and Christ loved them completely and unconditionally. Thus, His death on the sinner’s behalf has massive implications for how Christians live after they are saved because if they truly understand what He has done for them, they will share His love in word and deed with others.

Exposed by the Light

Volume 5 Ephesians 5:7-14

How should a Christian act toward the darkness that is not pleasing to the Lord? How are Christians to interact with those who do not follow Christ? In this sermon on Ephesians 5:7–14 titled “Exposed by the Light,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones provides some helpful insights to aid believers in working through these complex issues. Throughout the centuries, some Christians have argued for a sort of lifestyle that withdraws them completely from interaction with the world. Yet, as Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out, this robs the gospel of one of its main victories— that Christians are able to live a different life in the same world as a witness to those who don’t yet know Christ. How can one do this? First, they are to break completely with sin— they once were partakers of these activities, but now are to walk as children of the light. This exhortation reminds that sanctification is a process, not a one-time “product.” Second, Christians must not even be interested in the unfruitful works of darkness. Yet, this point often raises an interesting question: how should Christians balance having company with unbelievers without becoming like them? Since Christians are called to live among them and to be a witness, how can they maintain these values without compromising their faith? Dr. Lloyd-Jones provides helpful commentary on this that aids in thinking through how to best live out the faith.

The Order of Creation

Volume 6 Ephesians 5:22-24

What does God’s word say about marriage? Sadly, what it does say is often misunderstood and attacked because it confronts the thinking of today. In this sermon on Ephesians 5:22–24 titled “The Order of Creation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones argues that Scripture alone presents a balanced view of the roles and responsibilities within marriage. Only in Scripture is it taught that wives are to submit to their husbands in love and respect just as Jesus Christ submits to God. There is no authoritarianism because the husband’s role as leader is one of love and service, not domination and cruelty. Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows how this view of marriage is taught from the beginning of the Bible in Genesis before the fall. Even in the perfect Garden of Eden, woman was created as a helper for man. Even before the fall, man was the head, provider, and protector of the woman in the relationship between husband and wife. Paul expounds on the teaching in Ephesians 5:22–24 and is not saying anything different from the rest of the Bible. So those who reject this teaching of male headship are not only rejecting the teachings of the historic Christian church, but also of God’s infallible word. The rejection of the biblical understanding of marriage is at the heart of many of society’s problems. When people try to live in direct contradiction to God’s plan, there is always suffering and unrest.
