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The Book of Jeremiah

The Book of Jeremiah

Series Summary

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's sermon series on the book of Jeremiah was delivered at Westminster Chapel in London during his ministry there from 1939-1968. These messages examine the prophet's powerful indictment of spiritual declension and God's …


Sermons on

Book of Jeremiah

The True Wisdom

Jeremiah Jeremiah 9:23-24

In Dr. Martyn-Lloyd Jones sermon on Jeremiah 9:23-24, he explores the consistent nature of man throughout time. Our inherent nature, both in biblical times and now, is to live life for ourselves and enjoy ourselves however we see fit. Dr. Lloyd-Jones states, “man doesn’t change at all; human nature is consistent.” And just as human nature never changes the Bible never loses relevance. It is as relevant today as it was centuries ago. The verse at hand, Jeremiah 9:23- 24, provides a clear description of the ego of men. Dr. Lloyd-Jones states that man glories and puts his final confidence in himself. Man is inherently confident and believes he needs no help and is self-sufficient. Man certainly possesses good things such as wisdom, riches, and strength; however, once a man puts his final confidence in any things such as these, he is lost. Dr. Lloyd- Jones gives the example of fire. Fire can be a wonderful thing that provides warmth; however, if left unattended it can consume your house. Similarly anything a man possesses must be tempered, for there is only one person that we can place our faith and final confidence in and that is Jesus Christ. Many turn to philosophy for their final confidence and others turn to knowledge. But neither of these can truly supply an answer to mans purpose or real need. No, the only thing we can put our trust in is God. As Dr. Lloyd-Jones puts it, “many attack God but none succeed in ceasing his plans.” Why should we trust ourselves and our own abilities when everything is in the control of God? Instead, we should put our faith in him and we should glory in God’s might and ability to lift us up. If we do so, we will be given the infinite wealth and power of God. If God is for us who can be against us?