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The Book of John

The Book of John

Series Summary

This landmark collection represents the most extensive exposition of John's Gospel in Dr. Lloyd-Jones's ministry, comprising 262 sermons delivered at Westminster Baptist Church. Why Study the Gospel of John? The fourth Gospel stands distinct from …


Sermons on

Book of John

The Christian and the World

Volume 5 John 3:8

In this sermon on John 3:8 titled “The Christian and the World”, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the main differences between a religious man and a child of God. Just as Jesus had something inside of him that Nicodemus realized he didn’t have, the Christian has something that moral people do not, namely, the Holy Spirit. When a man has the Holy Spirit living in him he begins to be humbled and instead of seeing himself as great and powerful, he sees himself as sinful and powerless. The religious man however, is not able to see this and has much pride. Additionally, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that the Christian can see through the world and can see the sin and ungodly attributes in the world; however, the religious man does not see through this and has a desire to be a part of the world. The Christian also finds that he has lost his taste for worldly things, and although he will still be tempted at times, the worldly things are outside of him. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also explains the difference between a religious “worldling” and a back-sliding Christian, and recognizes that the worldling has better actions than a black sliding Christian however the worldling is just following the law and his heart is not changed. The back-sliding Christian however is always miserable because he feels as if he has broken relationship with God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones concludes by emphasizing that the moral man is always self-satisfied, however the born again man knows that “they are what they are by the grace of God”.
