Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's sermons on the Book of Psalms were delivered at Westminster Chapel in London throughout his ministry there from 1939-1968. These masterful expositions reveal the timeless truths of Scripture through careful examination of …
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's sermons on the Book of Psalms were delivered at Westminster Chapel in London throughout his ministry there from 1939-1968. These masterful expositions reveal the timeless truths of Scripture through careful examination of key psalms that speak to the human condition and our relationship with God.
The series includes an extended exposition of Psalm 1, where Dr. Lloyd-Jones explores humanity's search for true happiness and the stark contrast between the godly and ungodly person. Through vivid biblical imagery of the flourishing tree versus worthless chaff, he demonstrates how genuine satisfaction can only be found in right relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Moving through various psalms, Dr. Lloyd-Jones addresses fundamental questions of human existence: "What is man?" (Psalm 8), "Why do the nations rage?" (Psalm 2), and the fool's denial of God (Psalm 14). His exposition of Psalm 27 ("The Lord is My Light") and Psalm 42 provides profound insight into dealing with spiritual depression and finding strength in God during dark times.
The series also includes Dr Lloyd-Jones's timeless treatment of Psalm 107's portrayal of God's steadfast love and deliverance, along with searches of the heart in Psalms 73 and 84. Throughout these sermons, Dr. Lloyd-Jones demonstrates how the Psalms speak to every human condition while pointing to Christ.
His careful handling of these inspired verses reveals their lasting relevance for modern believers, showing how they address both the depths of human despair and heights of spiritual joy. Dr. Lloyd-Jones's hope for this series was that listeners would not only understand these inspired texts more clearly, but would be drawn into deeper communion with God through their truth.
These sermons combine careful exposition with practical application, theological depth with pastoral wisdom, making them valuable resources for both personal devotion and ministry preparation. They represent some of Dr. Lloyd-Jones's most accessible yet profound teaching on living the Christian life in all its fullness.
Why does humanity not see creation as God’s own handiwork? In this sermon on Psalm 8:3–4 titled “Blinded by Sin,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses this important theological question and shows its significance for the Christian life. The reason that humanity can look at creation and believe it is anything other than the creation of God is because they are blinded by sin. All are born in sin and naturally opposed to God. So they reject God, not because of reason, but because of sinful prejudice. The psalmists teach this, but it is also seen in the New Testament through the life and ministry of Jesus when He performs great signs and wonders to the people. But in the end, the people still cry out for Him to be crucified, for they still did not believe that He was God’s Son. This is because of the sinful principle in all hearts. What is the answer to humanity’s blindness and hard-heartedness? The answer is only found in the grace of God in Jesus Christ. Only by God giving His Son and opening the eyes of sinners can anyone be saved. Salvation is wholly a gift of God wherein He gives salvation freely as a gift.
The Bible tells that creation is evidence for the Creator. It shows His majesty and power. However, people have failed to see His majesty in His creation. People should be able to appreciate the beauty of creation, but instead miss seeing God’s glory in it by only seeing facts. In this sermon “A Little Lower than the Angels,” from Psalm 8:4, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones speaks on the failure to see God in His creation, specifically His creation of humanity. He begins with the question “What is man?” to show how humanity has learned to answer this question apart from the creation of God. Some overestimate humanity, putting people above God. Others underestimate humanity, thinking of the human race as nothing of importance at all. He then moves on the biblical and right view of humanity: that it has been created in God’s image. People were made to glorify God and be in communion with Him. However, humanity turned its back on God by becoming slaves to sin, causing a distorted view of who they are. The good news is that Jesus came to save them from sin and help them become the people God created them to be in His image. He concludes by encouraging the Christian to see this truth and glorify God for it.
Do Christians think? In this sermon on “What is Man?” from Psalms 8:3–4, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones asserts the wonder of creation and the fact that only the Christian can really perceive. Psalm 8:3-4 shows how the believer thinks differently from the unbeliever. The Christian mind is guided by the Bible, rather than by the media and news. The Christian should marvel and wonder at creation, not just live life from one news highlight to the next. Is Christianity really against the advance of science? Look at the persecution of Galileo and the Protestant Reformation that pushed science forward. There is a difference between accidental happening and intentional creation. Why are order and laws of creation in place? Learn the difference between a thinker and a superficial reactor. Dr. Lloyd-Jones addresses the problem, the contradiction, the uniqueness, and the tragedy of humanity. People are worshippers and the only hope for humanity and the world is that this is God’s world. God visited and redeemed this world. The listener will discover the series of “launchings” of the Son of God. There is great urgency to be encapsulated in Christ before one is launched into the presence of a Holy God.
In this sermon on Psalm 8:3–4 titled “What is Man…?” spoken at Trinity Road Chapel Centenary in 1970, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones responds to the accusations of the world that Christians are stuck in the past and unaware of what is happening in the modern world. The Christian gospel is necessary to consider the past and to face the future. Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that the only people truly thinking in this world are the Christians. Governed entirely by the Bible, this is a new way of thinking and “considering” things. Christians are not anti-scientific. In fact, true Christianity has been the greatest stimulus for scientific discovery. Learn how the Protestant Reformation liberated people from Greek philosophy and encouraged the scientific revolution. The mind of God alone offers an adequate explanation for the intricacies of creation. Listen to the majesty of humanity, the companion of God, the mark of the divine stamp, the tragedy of humanity, and the great contradiction of humanity. People are hero worshippers with marred faculties. This life determines eternity, there are no second chances—enter in and be eternally safe.