Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones is renowned for his masterful preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In his sermons on the gospel, he highlights the essential elements of the message of salvation through Christ. He emphasizes …
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones is renowned for his masterful preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In his sermons on the gospel, he highlights the essential elements of the message of salvation through Christ. He emphasizes the gravity of sin, the need for repentance, and the centrality of faith in Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation. This is a collection of those very same 10 sermons on the gospel where Dr. Lloyd-Jones expounds on the atonement, the resurrection, and the promise of eternal life.
Through his sermons on the gospel, Dr. Lloyd-Jones offers a comprehensive presentation of the core beliefs of Christianity. He demonstrates how the gospel is not just an abstract concept, but a living reality that continues to transform individuals, families, and societies. His sermons on the gospel are both evangelistic and edifying, aimed at leading people to salvation and building up believers in their faith.
For anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the gospel or desiring to share it more effectively with others, these 10 sermons on the gospel by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones are essential listening, packed with biblical insight and spiritual wisdom.
What is the gospel is? A great tragedy today (even among professing Christians) is not knowing what the gospel of Jesus Christ is. In this Christmas sermon on Matthew 4:23 titled “The Gospel of the Kingdom,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the message that frames the beginning and end of the Lord Jesus’s ministry. By looking at both Matthew 4:23 and 24:14, he explores the message of the gospel from the perspective of the kingdom of God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds that the greatness of the gospel is the good news of God’s kingdom (or His rule and reign). People are often guilty of reducing the gospel to subjective terms such as personal happiness or peace. They often start with themselves and end with themselves. But as Dr. Lloyd-Jones teaches, the gospel of the kingdom reminds that the whole world is involved in God’s redemption. The good news of the kingdom reminds that the Son of God came to this earth not to simply make people respectable, but to make them obedient to God. This obedience to the King brings Him glory. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones answers the most important question of all: why was it necessary for Jesus Christ to come into the world?
What is the greatest need in life? Perhaps a person is in a financial bind, has some broken relationships, or a physical ailment. But if those all were fixed, would they have a perfect life? In this sermon on Matthew 9:1–8 titled “Reconciled to God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches through the account of the paralyzed man whose greatest need was fixed by Jesus. This man had heard that Jesus could heal him and had faith that Jesus could do it. His faith brought him to have his friends lower him through a roof to get to Jesus; he was a desperate man. Yet Jesus offers something so much more than just the physical healing of the man—Jesus forgives his sins. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds listeners that unless sins have been forgiven, no one is able to live a truly happy life regardless of how “good” their situation may be. Jesus is the only one who has the power and authority to forgive anyone of their sins. He alone can save, and all must come to Him with faith like the paralytic. The Savior is always ready to forgive needy sinners.
What is at the center of Jesus’s message? What is at the heart of all the parables and teachings of Jesus? In this sermon on wineskins from Matthew 9:16–17, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches that it is not the external ritualistic religion found in many churches today, nor is it the message of works righteousness. But at the heart of the message of Jesus is the truth that the gospel is the power of God to save. It is the truth that Jesus is the Messiah who came to die for sinners. By the working of the Holy Spirit, sinners can repent and believe in Jesus. They can be set free from sin and the wrath of God because of the gospel. The very presence of the gospel transforms people and confronts sin; it destroys the old life and breathes new life in Christ. What does this message mean for each and every person? The gospel is a call to believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. It is a call to experience the new life in Christ free from sin and evil. The gospel calls all to repent of their sins and trust in Jesus.
Don’t misunderstand the kingdom of God. In an age where people clamor for fairness, it can be hard for Christians to stand strong on the biblical teachings regarding salvation and eternal life. The parable in this sermon reinforces that all are in grave danger of misunderstanding the kingdom of God. In this sermon on Matthew 20:1–16 titled “The Free Gift of God’s Grace,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones emphasizes that the claims of the kingdom of God oftentimes come as a surprise and against the grain of what people would assume to be true. Yet, it is through these very truths that Scripture also helps them glean crucial truths about God and eternity. This parable, he explains, shows the difference between a true and a false salvation. Many misunderstand the kingdom of God and hold to a false salvation that is rooted in the belief that eternal life is a reward for a good life on earth. But besides offering no hope to a sinful person, it misses the entire glory of the free salvation in Christ — everyone justly deserves hell because they have all broken God’s law, yet Christ was offered as an acceptable substitute in their place in the reception of God’s wrath. Don’t misunderstand the kingdom of God — salvation has been offered. Repent and believe today.Bottom of Form
What is the gospel? The answer to this simple question has ultimate meaning for the lives of everyone. In this sermon on Mark 1:1 titled “The Power of the Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches that many look for answers to the problems they face in the world, whether it is religion, politics, or philosophy. The true answer is in the message that came two thousand years ago in the person of Christ. Christ was born a baby in the lowly place of Bethlehem, yet the hope of all is in this one man. Only Jesus can redeem from sin and make all things new. Only Jesus can forgive sins and give peace with God. What then is the gospel? The gospel is the message of salvation that Jesus died in order that all who believe in Him might be saved. It is the only message that God has given; all others are counterfeits. Dr. Lloyd-Jones asks the critical question: “do you believe in Jesus?” This sermon will help the listener answer that question of eternal importance.
The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ was continuously on the lips of the Apostle Paul. He repeats it over and over again in his letters. Why did the early church continue repeating the good news? Why is the gospel so glorious to the Christian that it dominates their existence? In this Christmas message, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at the result of the gospel. Seeing what the gospel brings causes better understanding of why the good news is wonderful. Moreover, as taught by Dr. Lloyd-Jones in this sermon, a Christian properly responds to the gospel by receiving it gladly, yielding to its teaching, and being gripped by its message. It is clear, he says, that anyone who has found the gospel “worthy of all acceptance” will live a life of faithfulness to the Christ who came into this world to save people from their sin. Listen to Dr. Lloyd-Jones’s message on 1 Timothy 1:15 and hear why the gospel ends in a person being entirely changed.
Christians have all experienced that moment where the gospel all of a sudden makes sense. They did not know and could not understand the gospel but then they could. This is why the gospel is so mysterious. In this sermon on Ephesians 6:18–20 titled “The Mystery of the Gospel (1),” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones unpacks the mystery of the gospel, and why a person in their natural state cannot comprehend it. Dr. Lloyd-Jones begins by asking the questions, “What is the mystery of the gospel?” and “Why is the gospel a mystery?” After delving through the Scriptures, he comes to the conclusion that the mystery of the gospel is the mind of God. No one understands the mystery of the gospel on their own because it is the very wisdom and mind of God. One might consider themselves wise, but no one is wise enough to understand the mind of the eternal God. At this point, Dr. Lloyd-Jones gives hope by providing the only way that anyone might understand the gospel. They must repent and turn away from the foolish thinking that they can understand the mind of God, and consider themselves rightly as a fool. Once they repent and asks God to forgive them, then the Spirit will reveal the mystery of this gospel and they will rejoice in it. Be encouraged by this clear explanation of the glorious mystery of the gospel.
Some people believe that the world is advancing toward perfection. In this sermon on Ephesians 6:18–20 titled “The Mystery of the Gospel (2),” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that this doesn’t fit the observable patterns of reality. The Bible’s storyline of creation, the fall of humankind, and the consequences are the only reasonable explanation for the human condition. People are baffled that if God is all powerful and good, why does He allow pain and suffering? The answer goes back to the first sin at the fall and the Bible goes further. God, in His eternal wisdom, has permitted it. God decided to allow freedom of will to the devil and to people in their initial perfection, giving freedom of the possibility of the broken world as it is known. Though He permits evil, God puts a limit to it. The world thinks God’s way of dealing with this broken world would of necessity be one of gradual improvement and reformation. But the Bible tells that this is not the case. God has chosen to redeem through the cross of His Son Jesus Christ. At His second coming, the current world reality will be obliterated.
“The test of anything that claims to be Christian is the test of power.” In this sermon on 1 Thessalonians 1:5, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches that whether we are speaking of the church or of the individual Christian, the test of authenticity is the test of results produced by divine power. The gospel had been delivered to the Thessalonians in word, but it did not come in word only. The gospel came with divine power to bring about results. The results included repentance of sin and pagan idol worship to the service of a living and true God. Furthermore, this gospel power was accompanied by the work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit took the words of the gospel and made them effectual in the lives of the Thessalonians and all true believers. Dr Lloyd-Jones identifies that the apostle himself brought personal conviction and assurance that was so authentic, the power of God in his message was unmistakable and effectual. What is the test of authenticity for the church and the Christian? It is the test of the gospel of power.
Who has the answers, God or humanity? In this sermon on 1 Timothy 1:1, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows the error of putting human thinking above the wisdom of God. He shows that all sin stems from Adam and Eve putting their reason above God when they ate of the forbidden fruit. Modern humanity is no different; they look to themselves to solve the problems of the world. This is hopeless because salvation comes not through humanity’s own deeds, but it is a free gift from God. This is how God has shown the wisdom of the world to be utter foolishness. He sent His only Son to die upon a cross in the place of the very people who murdered Him. Dr. Lloyd-Jones proclaims that it is Jesus who came to die and rise from the grave in order to break the bonds of sin, and to free all from sin’s dominion and condemnation. This sermon will encourage all who are trusting in their own wisdom to turn to Jesus as the only true source of happiness, peace, and true communion with God. The message of the glorious gospel is one that commands people to turn away from themselves and look to Christ as the only Savior sent from God.
What changes when someone is saved? Is Christianity just a political movement that lobbies for a better world, or imposes a strict code of conduct? In this sermon on 1 Peter 1:10–12 titled “The Christian Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones speaks about how there are many who may hold these views, but they are mistaken. Christianity is not about morality or politics, but it is about hope in Christ and salvation in the gospel found in God’s word. God has chosen to reveal Himself to sinful people through the prophets, apostles, and Scripture. The whole message of salvation is contained in this truth and given to God’s people so that they may proclaim it to the world. This gospel is the message that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, for He alone has died so that all would be saved. This gift of salvation is given through faith as a result of God’s grace. No one can ever work to obtain it. All are born blind in sin until the grace of God opens their eyes to see the glory of Jesus Christ.