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Other Sermons

Series Summary

249 sermons ranging across 19 of the books and letters in the New Testament, all preached at Westminster Chapel. Some were preached in short series, others were individual sermons.


The Magnificat, Part 1

Luke Luke 1:46-55

Is Christmas really that important? Does the story of Christ’s birth really matter? In this sermon on Luke 1:46–55 titled “The Magnificat I,” Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones preaches of the true significance of Christmas. Christmas is not simply to warm hearts, nor only to produce a cheerful attitude. Christmas is a time when believers in Jesus Christ must magnify the Lord their God. Through an explanation of “The Magnificat” in Luke’s passage, Dr. Lloyd-Jones aids listeners with a rich and theologically profound explanation of Mary’s song of praise upon learning she is pregnant with Jesus. One of the first points Dr. Lloyd-Jones emphasizes is Mary’s heart in forgetting herself and praising the Lord. She is humbled and grateful that the Lord would choose her to bear the Savior of the world. She is able to praise God so thoroughly because her praise is based on understanding, not simply emotion. Since she is able to understand a portion of God’s glory, her emotions correspond and she praises God. She praises God’s power, without which not a soul on this earth would be saved. She praises His holiness, without which He would not be worthy of praise. She praises His mercy, without which everyone would be condemned. In God’s precious mercy, He chose Mary to bear Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Listen in as Dr. Lloyd-Jones helps the hearer worship God better.

The Promise Fulfilled

Matthew Matthew 1:1

Lists of names or genealogies can seem quite obscure, boring, and irrelevant. In his message on Matthew 1:1 titled “The Promise Fulfilled,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says the essence of the Christmas message is found in Matthew’s genealogy. If Christianity was just a teaching or philosophy then historical events in the Bible would not matter. If Christianity was merely a new outlook on life, then dates would be no concern. Since Christianity is based upon and concerned with the person of Christ, one can recall that there was a given day when Christ was born. Because Christians are concerned with a person and not just a teaching, they remember that this event really did happen. Take away the event and Christ is taken away. Take away Christ and there is no Christianity. Dr. Lloyd-Jones highlights the names of David and Abraham in the genealogy in order to connect the coming of the Messiah with the Old Testament promises. The essence of the Christmas message can be summarized in the fulfillment of these two promises, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones. In God’s covenant with David, He establishes that it is through His posterity that His universal kingdom will be fulfilled. Through Abraham, God commits Himself to the salvation of the nations. Dr. Lloyd-Jones calls listeners to reflect upon the Christmas season and find comfort in the fulfillment of the promises of God. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones bring the message of comfort and joy in the fulfillment of Old Testament promises.
