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Showing 249 results for ephesians 6:4

All the Fullness of God

Ephesians 3:19

Every day the Christian needs spiritual strength to resist temptation and persevere in righteousness. Every day they need the power of God working in their life. In this sermon on the fullness of God from Ephesians 3:19, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps the listener understand this great need from Paul’s words. Dr. Lloyd-Jones focuses on verse 19 and shows what it means to be filled with all the fullness of God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones helps listeners understand the difference between incommunicable and communicable, giving several examples. God’s incommunicable attributes include His eternity, immutability, omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, and more. His communicable attributes are His holiness, righteousness, goodness, love, mercy, compassion, and more. Paul is expressing that God’s people are to chase after God’s communicable attributes and strive to exemplify them in their lives. The incommunicable attributes, though inexplicable, allow the Christian to bask in the glory of God’s majesty and incomprehensibility. If one pursues these communicable attributes, they are putting on the new self and chasing after the fruit of the Spirit. Pursuit of these qualities is proof of a regenerate heart and the presence of Christ in their life. In literal terms, being filled with the fullness of God means unity with Christ. The believer is in Christ, and Christ is in the believer. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones encourages the listener with the word of God.

Life Without God

Ephesians 2:1-3

Without God, there is no hope, no peace, and no relief from the guilt and stain of sin. In this sermon on life without God from Ephesians 2:1–3 titled “Life Without God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones thoroughly explains the pervasiveness of the state of sinfulness derived from the absence of God’s presence. The only remedy, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains, is the exceeding greatness of God’s power toward His believers. Christians will only understand how significant God’s grace is when they realize the depths from which God saved them and the heights to which He has raised them. Only then can Christians truly be thankful for Christ’s intervention on their behalf. This sermon is unique in that Dr. Lloyd-Jones shares a personal example of his unbelieving state and his life without Christ. He shares that he used to be consumed with the lust of the flesh in that he desired to debate and sound clever in front of his peers. While preparing this sermon, Dr. Lloyd-Jones shares that he felt an immense hatred for himself and his previous state of existence. This personal story exemplifies the principle Dr. Lloyd-Jones began the sermon with: understanding the depravity of believers’ previous state and contrasting it with God’s immensely merciful treatment of souls is the only way Christians can understand true grace. Without Jesus, people are doomed to perish while pursuing the flesh. With Him, people will be raised to life with God forever.